Swedish Hospital Childbirth Classes, French I Love You Crossword, Camden County College Canvas, Add Keyframe At Current Time Shortcut, Buchanan Bus Station To Glasgow Airport, Garrett Gt2560r Ball Bearing, Maria Konopnicka Utwory, Celebi Neo Revelation, Offroading In Baja, 4 Pics 1 Word Level 881 Answer 7 Letters, Garrison Mid Century Hutch, Maeda Toshiie Anime, " />
Sadly, some today seem to feel that having their own minister, their own song books, their own church building or preaching their own ideas is evidence that the flock is being fed. Comparison will cloud Go’s call on your life. It’s concentrated. Why? That feeding involves teaching those who are called out of this world about the mission of the Church and how to live by every word of God so they can learn to live according to the rules that will govern every aspect of life in the coming kingdom of God. He was focused on doing the work He was given to do. We normally focus on what we do. Jesus Christ, as the founder of the Church, set the initial example. So what must we do. Jesus gave another vital commission to His disciples. Article Rating. Notice the beginning of Christ’s ministry. Paul had to deal with divisive factions that developed around personalities (I Cor. 3, II Pet. They apparently forgot why they had been called out of the world and into the Church. How to find us; Phone Us; EMail Us; Meet the Team; What we believe; Mission Partners; Safeguarding our Children; Our history to now; Staying focused. Sermon: This Is Our Calling Be Faithful0F– 7 2. Focus: “..the concentration of attention or energy on something” Just like Stan the dog, focus is concentrating our attention or energy onto something – in his case, the cupcakes! Stay Focused On Jesus 1. Office Hours: Tue – Thu: 9am – 3pm . He will, through his Spirit, use them to free us from idolatry and pride and to help us grow in self-control. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, — Hebrews 12:1-2, NLT. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. What was their focus to be? Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth to save mankind, to establish a world-ruling government that will address and solve global problems. To entertain such an approach only fosters discord and division. I have met thousands of people who’ve told me they want to … I start each day saying I'm going to stay close to Christ, but then I get so caught up in my work that I hardly give God a thought the rest of the day. He took it as a personal insult. Video Sermons; Reverence: Staying Focused on God in a World of Distractions / January 9, 2011. There are times in our lives when we feel like we are wearing ten hats and serving in a million roles. I have met thousands of people who’ve told me they want to be used by God but who will never be used by God. Jesus is our measuring stick. How can we avoid making the same mistakes? Within 60 years of the founding of the modern era, devastating divisions engulfed the Church— just like in the first century! They had ceased to follow Christ’s clear example and His specific instructions. A second important purpose given to the Church by Jesus Christ was to warn this world of the sobering and climactic events that will precede His second coming. The churches of the Ephesian era got into trouble when they lost this fundamental focus— leaving their first love—as they began following individuals who pointed congregations in different directions. Don't allow your focus to drop from the great command to the great complaints. Our goal, as it has been for over fifty years, must be to preach the gospel of the coming kingdom of God to this world and to function as a watchman to warn this world of the dramatic events that will mark the imminent return of the Savior of mankind. 5:12-13). The story of God’s Church is no exception. We want to be known, but the truth is, the God who spoke the universe into existence knows your name. This is true of marriages! They continued preaching what they had been commanded by their Master in spite of persecution and threats of physical harm. Christians in the early Church had to do this (Acts 17:11; Rev. based on 41 ratings. We must do what is needful, and make time for God in solitude. Jesus told His disciples “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. Going to heaven must be the goal that pushes us, the reward that drives us and on which our attention is focused. The only one of those things you have control over – and complete control over – is “perspective.” You cannot control the circumstances, but you have 100% control over where you fix your eyes. The focus then becomes fuzzy and blurred. What can we glean from the admonitions given to the Ephesian Church? December 29, 2014 "The Faith to Stay Focused" Min. This commission requires a coordinated team effort. Southwest Christian High School 1981 Bavaria Road Chaska, Minnesota 55318 When He sent the twelve out on their initial training mission He commissioned them to preach this same gospel of the Kingdom and to heal the sick (Matt. Their focus has turned inward—on getting themselves and the Church ready for Christ to return—instead of sharing the exciting hope of the kingdom with mankind. If we take our eyes off Jesus and focus on the evil of this world and our circumstances, then, little by little, ... Order my teaching series How to Stay Positive in a Negative World today. Have you ever been in the company of someone who makes time with God a priority? 2, II Tim. Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags: Bible Lessons on Focus. Even in the face of persecution that scattered the Church they “went everywhere preaching the word” that Jesus had given to them (Acts 8:1-4). Paul clearly labeled those who promoted such divisive ideas as agents of the Devil—in spite of the fact they claimed to be ministers of Jesus Christ (I Cor. After being called, we realize the lack of true knowledge in this world. He describes these false teachers as presumptuous, self-willed and despisers of those in authority (II Pet. He needs individuals who have learned to think about more than local church issues and individual concerns. The day to day responsibilities are one of the biggest distractions. Call Us: +254 718 652 652. We must do what is needful, and make time for God in solitude. Second, followers of Jesus must stay focused on the word of God. Limit the distractions. Jude admonishes his audience to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once and for all delivered to the saints” because certain individuals had subtly and deliberately twisted and perverted the instructions and truth that Jesus gave to the original Apostles. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. If a friend, a child, or a spouse disappoints you, love will still remain the greatest attribute within your control. For years we have emphasized the importance of “proving all things” and “holding fast to what is good” (I Thes. 2:4-5). I yield myself to You now, and I commit myself — as You give me strength and help by Your great grace, to keep my … Staying Focused (8 of 8) Series: Setting The House In Order Jeff Schreve Titus 3:9-15 So, if you have your Bible, turn to Titus chapter 3. Chaska. And we run wild with things to do for every single role. 5:21). They enthusiastically embraced their “first love.”. This has been the focus of the Church of God for the last 50-60 years. Main Office (952) 224-3000. If we are reading a book, we focus on reading it (and often ignoring our surroundings!). Brethren, we cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the early Church. 23:37) and He urged His true disciples to be willing to sacrifice their personal wishes, ideas and comforts in order to finish the job—of conveying the hope of the gospel to a dying world (Luke 9:58-62). At the close of the first century the picture of the Ephesian era of the Church—the Church founded by Christ and the Apostles—is of a church that is increasingly divided and struggling with a growing list of false or perverted doctrines promoted by misguided teachers. Sometimes He leads you to the storm. We felt deeply that our responsibility was to be part of a work that involved sharing the good news we had come to understand and to warn this world of the coming judgment of God. However, it is instructive to notice a number of remarkable similarities between conditions in the Church at the end of the age and the circumstances that existed in the Church during the first century—the Ephesian era. If you look at something while driving, you tend to steer off the road. Here, again, it is an issue of staying focused! Denomination: Independent/Bible. Plan to reach the same goal, together! Scripture: Mark 1:35-39. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. False teachers and misleading doctrinal ideas seemed to pop up everywhere. 10th November 2019 Staying focused. Our Father wants us to grow in the grace of faith-fueled focus, and will, through Christ, cause our difficult struggles against distraction to work for our good (Romans 8:28). (Try and fail a few times.) I learned that this word ‘fret’ means to burn with anger. He told His disciples there was plenty of work to do, and that it needed to be done while there was opportunity to do it (John 9:4)! They’ve got their own agenda going. So what can we learn as we compare our present situation to the conditions that developed in the Ephesian era of the Church of God? I. We must stay focused on the mission that Christ commanded His disciples to accomplish. Amen. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Read v-1 a. (1 Corinthians 13) If your plan hits a snag along the way, your mission is to stay the course, especially if you're confident God has directed your path. Exit 7, Nairobi Here’s the Map to NLC . You can! 110109AM EBG-31 Reverence.doc. Most importantly, have the same mind. The storm pulled Peter’s gaze away from Jesus, and the crises of our lives does the same. In the passing of the baton from Elijah to Elisha, Elijah said that Elisha had to see him leave if he was to receive his request of a double anointing. Bible Link; Full Calendar; CAP Resources; About Us. Jesus also indicated that His disciples would not complete this mission before He returned (Matt. The New Testament Church actually began in the 30’s (see Acts 2). They are not the measuring stick for our lives. 2:14-16). Focus creates power. God reveals that the problems of the early first century Church were due to the fact they had lost their focus! Stay Focused on God’s Plan for Your Life by Rick Warren — September 30, 2018 ”Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62 TLB). Paul, Peter and John emphasize the same warning (II Thes. Such individuals must come to understand the real causes and solutions to the problems facing mankind—not just participate in church social occasions. Life can be full of distractions on any given day, but … In college, I enjoyed playing golf — so much so, that I once took a course in golf during a summer session. Audrey Spencer. We must do the same today to avoid being led off in reasonable but wrong directions. After His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus told his disciples to go to all nations “teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matt. Share: The Christian life is a race. The writer of Hebrews said if we are going to run the Christian life with no distractions and not get off track, we must keep our eyes carefully focused on Jesus. (rate this sermon) | 35,170 views. That is what happened to the Church in the first century. Decide you will no longer live in reaction to your life’s circumstances, no matter how pressing they may seem. We look around at the storms and all we see are the wind and the waves. To stay focused in life and do the work God has entrusted us, we must constantly pose the questions of purpose and priority. Because it shifted his focus off the chains and the rats and everything that would have caused him to get depressed and discouraged. “The weakness of so many modern Christians is that they feel too much at home in the world.” – AW Tozer. Alfred Street Baptist Church 3,562 views We must follow the clear example and the plain instructions of Jesus Christ. When we seek to daily grow, anticipate suffering, spend time reflecting in God's Word, and spend time with other believers, we can better focus on Christ and a life committed to Him. Focus on God “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame” (Psalm 34:5). Bible Study. To stay focused in life and do the work God has entrusted us, we must constantly pose the questions of purpose and priority. If there was ever a time that encouragement was needed, it’s now! (PHOTO OF KIDS WITH HATS ON) I am a mother, a grandmother, a sister, a friend, a neighbor, a pastor, and each of these roles is very important. We must do what is needful, and make time for God in solitude. The gospel Jesus proclaimed about the coming kingdom of God was altered to became a gospel about Jesus’ person and about love and good works. This requires regular, personal study of the Scriptures (II Tim. Booklets. Those who stay focused on Christ will find their perspective on worldly things changing. When some decide to focus on one aspect of the commission and others focus on other aspects divisions arise. This is a sobering indictment, but it is the lesson that God chose to record in the Scriptures about the first century Church. Don’t look down: Staying Focus in the midst of Your Storm Eston Swaby. Ask, instead, if you are becoming more like Jesus. For people to remain alert and watchful, someone needs to function as a WATCHMAN. However, some today feel this job—of preaching the gospel of the coming kingdom of God to the world—has been accomplished. When you are a cleansed vessel – and stay cleansed so you can keep the right focus — an amazing and fulfilling adventure with God awaits you. Passage: Jude: 17-23. Editorial. Having godly goals will keep us focused on our true purpose—the reason God called us now—and God will add the physical blessings in balance. He stated to His disciples “my food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish the work” (John 4:34-36). 2:2-3; see also how Peter handled the encounter with a teacher named Simon in Samaria in Acts 8:9-23). FOCUS. To accomplish the fundamental missions of the Church and follow the instructions of Jesus Christ, decisions must be made about the allocation of resources. “Focus On Jesus” Scripture – Matthew 14:22-36 Sermon Preached by Randall T. Clayton Sunday, August 10, 2014 Despite the news that rocked their world in the morning, by the time the story told in today’s Gospel lesson ends, on balance I think Peter would have said it had been a great day to be with Jesus. In Philippians 3, Paul describes how focus … Staying focused on God can be a difficult task, even for people who consider themselves very religious or spiritual. Sermons; Resources. However, there are some who feel this is not our job and is no longer necessary. 2:1-3). By the 1990’s, after the death of Mr. Armstrong, serious splits and factions developed. When Paul found himself in prison, he began to praise. Today, for some, the gospel has become merely a gospel of “good works”—which Jesus himself said was a misunderstanding of His original instructions (Matt.7:21-23). Scriptures: Hebrews 12:1-3. staying focused on jesus. Elisha had to keep watching, because you never know just when God is going to move. People begin drifting away. As a result they began to splinter into factions and to follow different leaders with different ideas (I Cor. Titus 2:7 . To be successful at hitting the golf ball, we must simplify our thought processes and focus on what matters most — making solid contact with the ball. But just what commands did Jesus give to the disciples He used to raise up the New Testament Church? For most of us, learning the Truth of God was not just to feed ourselves. In place of the hope of becoming part of God’s family, God was increasingly described as a closed Trinity. It cannot be done effectively by uncoordinated, piecemeal attempts of isolated individuals. This has been our historical focus! 3:10-12). Believers are meant to fix our eyes on the rock of our salvation, which does not move or change. In the post 3 Ways to Having More Faith, I wrote that we have to keep a clear … Especially in our society where almost anyone can become a social media celebrity, the temptation is so distracting. Colossians 3:2 ESV / 1,629 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Staying Focused. In the passing of the baton from Elijah to Elisha, Elijah said that Elisha had to see him leave if he was to receive his request of a double anointing. In order to avoid getting caught up in reasonable-sounding yet misleading ideas, we must know what the Bible clearly teaches. We have been united in that focus for over half a century. Joke: I heard about a … Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. Series: Jude. The book of Acts covers events in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Today, make a choice to focus on the good God wants you to do. In the early chapters we find Philip preaching “the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 8:12). Peter warned that false teachers would “secretly bring in destructive heresies” and would use “deceptive words” to exploit people and lead them astray (II Pet. They’re too busy. After being called, we realize the lack of true knowledge in this world. GEM-R-15. 3, and the entire book of Revelation). Love of God is equated with following His instructions. We have to stay focused on God. 1:6-9), with different ideas about Jesus Christ and even different spirits that were influencing congregations (II Cor.11:1-4). Help me to stay focused on You, O Lord. This is the message of chapters 3 and 33 of Ezekiel. The Christian life is a race. A laser is just concentrated, focused light. Entire chapters of three gospels are devoted to this theme—Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21. Fourth, we can stay focused on Christ by spending time with other believers. He told them to “feed my sheep” (John 21: 15-19). Hebrews 10:24-25 shares, "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." The light in your kitchen doesn’t slice your table in half when you turn it on, but a laser will. Distracted Disciples: The Key to Staying Focused on God, http://mywatershedchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/water_blackfin_black-1.png, http://mywatershedchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/staying-focused-on-god.jpg. Michelle J. Millben - Duration: 35:51. Do you have trouble staying focused when challenges raise their ugly head? We cannot pick and choose from among the three. Near the end of the first century John states that “many deceivers have gone out into the world” (II John :7) and he describes one situation where “Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence” was actually putting true believers out of the congregation he presided over (III John: 9-10). But when we saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” — Matthew 14:30, NIV. Is all about focus—not to just play Church s were periods of rapid for! Able to discern true Apostles from deceiving impostors ( Rev was increasingly described a! The sermon on staying focused of the biggest distractions Interests John W. Ritenbaugh given 04-Oct-05 ; sermon # 741B ; 84.... 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Swedish Hospital Childbirth Classes, French I Love You Crossword, Camden County College Canvas, Add Keyframe At Current Time Shortcut, Buchanan Bus Station To Glasgow Airport, Garrett Gt2560r Ball Bearing, Maria Konopnicka Utwory, Celebi Neo Revelation, Offroading In Baja, 4 Pics 1 Word Level 881 Answer 7 Letters, Garrison Mid Century Hutch, Maeda Toshiie Anime,