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The light should be bright and close to the sunlight. One of possible troubles that may arise – since the fish is a rather timid one, it may not be able to compete with more active tank mates for feed or it even won’t eat the feed till you are around. Congo Tetras are relatively small, but they’re a bit larger than most types of tetras. Get the best deals on Live Aquarium Tetra Fish when you shop the largest online selection at Temperament / Behavior: Peaceful and tolerant, may nip at delicate and succulent plants. Usually, this is a sign that they are not getting fed enough. The eggs incubation time is 5-7 days. One or two days earlier before larva appear decrease the tank water level up to 3-5 cm. Interested in breeding Congo Tetras? Upon purchase, the Emperor Tetra is around 3/4 -1.5 inches. The midsection of the fish is quite tall, giving them a somewhat compressed look. These provide even more hiding spots for your fish to use. Congo tetra (lat. The female is small, significantly less bright colored and their abdomen is larger and more rounded. Tetras are found primarily in the streams & rivers of South America and Africa. As we mentioned earlier, these are schooling fish. Their timid behavior disappears when these tetras are kept in a shoal of eight or more fish. Depending on how the light reflects off their bodies, you might see shades of blue, gold, violet, and turquoise. The Congo Tetra is a very peaceful species. This includes insect larvae, algae, plants, and more. Sexing the Congo Tetra. Raise the temperature to about 77 degrees Fahrenheit and turn off all the lights. They have a very unique appearance that helps them stand out in any environment. A standard canister or carbon filter should be able to keep waste levels low. After adding the water, let the tank cycle for several days so that the moss has time to enrich the water. In the wild, they will feed on pretty much anything they can find. Put congo tetras into the spawning tank in the evening. Their fins are flowy, in comparison to other Tetras, and is similar to Diamond tetras. For that reason, it’s a good idea to provide a 30-gallon tank or more. Water conditions are one of the most important things you need to replicate. You can prevent Ich, as well as other diseases, by remaining vigilant about water conditions and overall tank maintenance. They prefer to swim in schools of 5-8 in an aquarium that has plenty of room. This fish will stand out with its elegant fins and unique coloration. Female tetras are usually less colorful but are still very pretty. You can see the tetras categorized into three different families:- Alestidae, Lebiasinidae, and … The fish should have a plant diet – for example, some salad or dandelion leaves etc. We’re always looking for ways to make our site better! Tetra fish are one of the most popular species for home aquariums. Congo Tetras are at risk of experiencing many common fish diseases. They need to be kept with several other fish of the same species to stay happy. Start feed for juveniles is infusorians, rotifers, boiled egg yolk, starting from the second week of juveniles life they can be fed with brine shrimp nauplii and cyclops, Vinegar eels. This fish measures about 3" long and was swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture. Congo tetra will do with water hardness up to 20°, pH 6-7,5, water temperature (75–81 °F) 24–27 °C. The more Congo Tetras you have in the tank, the better. A school of 6 is recommended. His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River), with Echinodorus and Angelfish. It offers protection. A larger tank will allow you to increase the school population, decorate the tank a bit better, and give your fish more room to roam. As a whole, all of the fins on a male fish have a wispy appearance that flows beautifully in the water. The average Congo Tetra size is between 3 and 3.5 inches long in captivity. The juveniles hatch in 6-7 days and they start swimming and feeding right away. When putting the fish into a new tank you should use some substances for artificial water aging, some peat substances or put a peat stuffing into a filter. Males will have bigger fins, especially the dorsal and caudal fins. Temperatures are warmer there. Congo Tetras have considerably large fins for their size. Water hardness is 1,5-3°, pH 6,8-6,5, kH up to 1°, water temperature 25-28 °C. Congo tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) was described in 1899. The male is larger and has extended tail fin and dorsal fin. Luckily, Congo Tetras aren’t super picky. It likes mosquito larvae. The Congo tetra has a typical full-bodied tetra shape with rather large scales. Phenacogrammus interruptus) is a timid, but unspeakably beautiful aquarium fish. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert looking for something low-maintenance, this species is a great choice. These fish are the perfect addition to peaceful tanks and do very well with similarly sized fish that are gentle and passive. When other fish of the same species are in the tank, they will experience significantly lower levels of stress and be more active. The healthy eggs are round and completely transparent. As always, the best way to help these fish live as long as possible is to provide them with a happy and healthy environment. The male then follows to start breeding. Congo Tetras are iridescent blue and orange fish with long, transparent fins. The Congo Tetra is very peaceful. Tetras are an amazing community fish! You can also add some breeding mops and plants throughout. See more ideas about aquarium fish, freshwater aquarium, tropical fish. Congo tetras (Phenacogrammus interruptus) are wide-bodied fish with large, opalescent scales that shimmer in the light and appear an iridescent blue-green with a golden mid-band. Not only will proper conditions help avoid stress, but they’ll also keep that lustrous color looking great! In captivity, this schooling nature creates stunning swaths of color that will be the center of attention in your tank. The fish inhabits in South Africa: in the South-East of Brazil, in the state of Rio-de-Janeiro and San-Paulo. The fish school prefers swimming in upper and middle layers of rivers and lakes. Some species of blue tetra from SA seems probable though and the fish does have a very blue tint to it and does, as Lateral Line says, have many smaller scales rather than … When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. When in fear, the fish will spend most of its time hiding. The majority of these fishes has a very good looking coloring (due to some special pigments they have, that change their color under different kinds of lights). Females can produce up to 500 eggs at once, leaving you with a huge school of fry to take care of. While you don’t need to dirty up the water to keep them healthy (please don’t do this), it is a good idea to mimic the water composition. This group includes black skirt, bleeding heart, Buenos Aires, and Congo tetras. From Latin Flammeus means «flame color». In the wild, Congo Tetras get a bit longer. It dwells in coastal waters with water temperature within the range from 22 to 28 °C (72–82 °F), pH 5,8—7,8 and water hardne… The good thing is that this species is pretty hardy, meaning you have some flexibility when it comes to water parameters. Congos are sexually dimorphic. They are often overlooked when seen in the pet store however, as they are generally adolescents that have not yet attained their full size and adult coloration. Emperor Tetra can be cared for similarly all the same. As a rule, the spawning stars in 2-6 days and it lasts for about 2.5 hours. You can prevent this behavior by keeping the tank filled with peaceful community fish. We recommend getting a group no smaller than 6. The picture above shows a Congo Tetra for sale in our store. Typically, the streams and ponds they reside in are on the murkier side as well. Not only that, but they take on an iridescent shimmer! Sergey is a founder and author of Rummy-nose Tetra: Like most of the Tetras on this list, they are a shoaling species which are still relatively small, growing to around 2 inches in length. A male Congo tetra can grow up to 3.5 inches, while a female usually stay around 2.5 inches. These African counterparts are equally colorful. Congos are large compared to tetras. While their fins are a joy to watch as your fish swim around, it’s their color that really stands out. $64.99 to $139.99. You can feed them infusoria for a few days. Happy fish are healthy fish! can be added into congo tetra common diet. Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius brichardi) female swimming around the tank. Put a separating grid on the spawning tank bottom and it’s desirable to put a large bush of Thai fern on top of it. Congo Tetra Female. Red eye tetra (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae). Ideally it’s better to create a native biotope – dark tank substrate, lots of plants, some snags. These fish's ancestors lived in Africa, but most Tetras species live in South America. The best tankmates, of course, are other Congo Tetras. The body coloring is opalescent – the colors vary from tints of blue on its back to red-orange and gold yellow on the sides and again there are bluish colors on the abdomen. Fecundity (Reproduction): Female Congo Tetra can lay up to 300 eggs per clutch. Too many aquarists underestimate “easy” fish and end up wondering why things went wrong. However, we recommend supplementing their diet with some nutrient-rich treats as well. To initiate the breeding process, set up a 20-gallon tank. Every once in a while, they’ll go their separate ways to explore (before returning to their buddies). These fish are egg layers. Since this fish is quite large for tetra kind and it’s a schooling one, you may need a tank about 20 gallons capacity, but it’s better to be 40 gallons or more. Cong Tetras liks the middle layers of the aquarium and prefers a large tank, open areas for swimming, plants for hiding and dim lighting. It’s a schooling fish that inhabits in muddy water feeding on crustaceous, insects and some plant feed. But don’t forget that the water settles using aeration. has a genteel personality to match!The Emperor Tetra displays hues of primarily royal purple and small foods, which include: small brine shrimp, small daphnia, bloodworms, … Male has three-bladed tail with a pronounced middle blade. To create the space in a tank so, that the whole school is seen and not hidden among the tank plants, it’s necessary to put them thickly almost without any space between the plants. Ended: Nov 26, 2020. Congo Tetras prefer to live in schools of six or more individuals and do best in peaceful community tanks. Revered for their vibrant colors and eye-catching shimmer, the Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) has become a widely popular freshwater fish species in the aquarium community. It will show you everything you need to know about Congo Tetra care! To initiate the breeding process, set up a 20-gallon tank. In contrast, females are somewhat smaller, duller, and their fins are not as impressive as the males. Males will also show stronger coloration when compared to their female counterparts, who will be more brownish. Next, incorporate some floating plants, such as Java Fern. As their name would suggest, these fish are endemic to the Congo River basin. pH: 6.0-6.5 . A tank, which has tetra fishes in it, should be thickly planted. Typically, males are slightly larger than females. In fact, they’re one of the most popular…, Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. It is best if this fish is the dominant species in the tank or it may become shy and reclusive. The spawning may occur both within a couple and in a school, but the latter is more desirable (the males should prevail in this case). But don’t let that trick you into thinking they can make do with subpar care. Gradually raise the water temperature up to the optimal value. There are a number of options when it comes to picking Congo Tetra tank mates. Size: Males get to 3", females are a little smaller . Congo tetra is larger as compared to most of the types of tetra fish, the male being up to 3.0 inches (8.5 cm), whereas the female being up to 2.75 inches (6 cm). Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. Most of the fish available in the trade are bred commercially in the Far East and Eastern Europe. Author Note: Stability is very important for these fish, even if they can survive in a wide range of water parameters. When you turn the lights back on the next day, your fish will likely start spawning. In one of my lfs they've got a big display tank with Congo tetra, boesemani rainbowfish, angelfish and clown loaches. It’s activated by adding of fresh, soft water; temperature and water flow increase; light day extension and high feed. Congo Tetra for Sale A wonderful African Tetra species. It’s located on the midsection of the fish and is surrounded by the color-changing luminescence. You can put some plant leaves on the bottom to make the tank water brownish as the habitat – River Congo has. Their tanks need to be maintained properly to keep them in good health. Once you have the water conditions just right, you can start focusing on decor! It has large scales that have an iridescent blue/green quality. Then, put a bonded male and female into the tank. This is a good thing. Males are much brighter, bolder and slightly more significant then that of a female and their tail fin and dorsal fin are more elongated. The fins on male fish have a somewhat purplish hue. Murky waters like that are on the acidic side and have fewer minerals. The eggs should be shaded and the whitened ones should be removed. The Congo Tetra is a beautiful freshwater fish that is a piece of cake to care for. Free shipping. As for care – since the fish won’t do with large amount of fresh water, the renews should be made every month and be equal to 1/5-1/6 of the tank capacity, but this works only in case if there are no other fishes in the tank. For the most part, Congo Tetras will stay in the middle and top areas of the tank. They’ll frequently group up throughout the day and swim around the tank. Leave ample room in the center of the tank for the school to group up. It’s a schooling fish that inhabits in muddy water feeding on crustaceous, insects and some plant feed. Females can produce up to 500 eggs at once, leaving you with a huge school of fry to take care of. Tank mates can consist of the majority of small african and South American Characin fishes, live-bearing fishes and barb (except, maybe the tiger barb), corydoras (like pygmy or panda), dwarf cichlids like ram cichlid. Apparently the female is the top one with a concave anal fin and the male the lower with a convex anal fin. The fish grows to be 1.4-1.7 inches in its adult years. X-Ray Tetras with a male above and female below. Due to the fact that fish can jump out of the water, the tank should be tightly closed. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to However, still it’s more proper to keep congo tetras in a school of 4-20 species separately from other fishes. It’s not hard to see why these fish are so sought-after. If you have any questions about this species or suggestions on how we can improve the guide, let us know. The fish has lush fins – the ones of the male have long veiled edges (on dorsal, fluke and anal fins). The purple color is accented nicely by staunch white edging. And that’s why we put together this guide. 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