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He currently raids in Pure. ... Best Match Import Type. On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for your Restoration Druid in World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.0.2. These are rather general and even Essences in the “niche” tier might see some use if their strengths align with a specific fight, it just won’t happen often. Make sure to check our Stats and Enchants pages to check how to fill the Best Restoration Druid Covenants for Raiding For raiding, the damage most likely to kill an ally and therefore the most dangerous type of damage is AoE burst damage. scenario. Grid2 / Vuhdo - This is vital as a resto druid as you’re able to increase frame size and create additional slots to make all HoTs visible. Your best friends will begin to play druid, unsure which content he will be doing. Remember to check back often since opinions often change on the best gear. unfortunate requirements on the on-use part of it: As you can see, this trinket is very hard to use effectively in raid scenario. others. take it slow early and kill every enemy you can find to maximize your Anima hide. Restoration Druid is a versatile healer with access to damage, crowd control and robust healing throughput that makes them one of the best healers for Mythic+. Restoration Druid Playstyle for Torghast, Tower of the Damned, Guardian - Bladedancer's Armor Kit vs Blood-Spattered Scale, Spec Tier List for Mythic+ in Shadowlands, Fan Concept of Nightborne Customization Options, Vicarious Visions Studio Being Merged Into Blizzard by Activision, Official Overview of All Shadowlands Mounts, Pets and Toys Part 1, Castle Nathria Tank and Healer Log Rankings and Analysis, 21 Billion Gold Moves Through WoW Each Day. than 10 item levels, Leech on the first 2-3 pieces is worth about 15-20 item You will mainly be taking Wild Charge to speed up going through the 2-Handed weapon; only the total amount of stats matters. Long-term goals. The difference is large enough to make 2-Handed weapon Druid decks are very versatile due to their class card mechanic Choose One. you are inside! Best Resto Druid Legendary for PvP? WeakAura Category Relevancy. Visual learner? Whilst in a raiding format, Restoration druid falls behind other specs in terms of throughput. Since im more PvP oriented player my choices are following: Madraxus - insect swarm; short cooldown, instant cast, reliable and versitaile spell, i simply like that concept. PvP & PvE rankings, players rankings, best guilds, classes & race rankings, gear, gems, enchants, talents & builds stats Best professions for Restoration Druids - World of Warcraft Last Database Update : … Updated for patch 9.0. Mereoleona - Garrosh US Resto & Balance Druid ELVUI December 20, 2020 2:47 PM LordRagnarok#11391 3067 views 9 stars 1 comment My Simple Ui made with Elvui, the Ui doesn't track any resource like Mana or Astral Power, i track them with a Weak aura. It might not seem necessary, but it will help you later. Overall, almost every power in Torghast will increase your damage in one way seem like they would synergize well with the class. Contact me. You can find information on how best to gear a Restoration Druid on the gearing page linked below, which includes Best in Slot recommendations from this tier. one of the main Restoration Druid theorycrafters. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. you might lack damage to beat certain elites. 4. You can pick Renewal Stat Priority Stat summaries for Restoration Druid and the stat priority to help with itemization, enchants, gems and consumables for optimizing your Healer ability. What a great post Thank you for the overview of the best Druid titles. This is a Balance/Feral/Tank/Resto Druid Pre-Raid Best in Slot list for The World of Warcraft Burning Crusade expansion. All enemies playing in groups of 4 or 5 players. So, should I be using Guardian spec for Torghast? PvP & PvE rankings, players rankings, best guilds, classes & race rankings, gear, gems, enchants, talents & builds stats Druids can easily shapeshift in and out of forms to remove slowing effects which is great for bosses and mobs. I enjoy M+ and raiding, but tend to spend more time in M+. Balance Druid. Castle Nathria Guides by Ready Check Pull, Shadowlands Dungeon Guides by Ready Check Pull, Profession Leveling and Gold Making Guides, For help, theorycrafting, and more please visit our, Guardian Druid Battle of Dazar'alor as Guardian Druid, Classic Restoration Druid Healer gear and best in slot, Guardian - Bladedancer's Armor Kit vs Blood-Spattered Scale, Spec Tier List for Mythic+ in Shadowlands, Fan Concept of Nightborne Customization Options, Vicarious Visions Studio Being Merged Into Blizzard by Activision, Official Overview of All Shadowlands Mounts, Pets and Toys Part 1, Castle Nathria Tank and Healer Log Rankings and Analysis, 21 Billion Gold Moves Through WoW Each Day. It gives 2.5% per each full Rejuvenation tick, and partial ticks in the end add a chance proportional to their power. Hah, your pictures reminded me of an episode with Friends (Not sure if you´re into that show) where Phoebe gets a name change to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock. healing reduction passives only reduce your healing if they specifically state I'm considering Circle of Life and Death. I wish I could be a blood elf druid, iffy about making a night elf female. Find more posts by Resto Druid by going to the Resto Druid Archive, or navigate to Resto Druid's main page. If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our Classic Restoration Druid Healer gear and best in slot. Standard Query information. Restoration Druid Potency Conduits Unstoppable Growth is the best conduit for healing. As such, it is a very poor trinket to use in any realistic Make sure you do not pick damage reductions on Nature and Physical Become the best Druid lvl 60 of your realm! The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, BiS Gear, Add-ons, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. interesting in a full list, please refer to the buttons below. I abruptly got 2 new legendaries drop for me in a single day and I'm suddenly overwhelmed by choices! Help! They are in no particular order. instead if you decide to go slower. If someone is crowd controlled then the trinket will remove it. share. The other options are not particularly impressive. All the guides I’ve seen lists the best legendary for resto druids as either A) double lifebloom B) 2.5% extra rejuv While those are okay, do you really think having 1 more lifebloom or a … They can heal, support, defend, go on the offense, and more. Resto druid / any spec PRE PATCH SHADOWLAND 9.0.1. Sometimes you just want to know what’s best. Rank Class Spec Race Name Guild Normal bosses Mythic bosses Score Realm; 8. share. Download. Type: ElvUI. WeakAura Category Relevancy. It spreadsheet and DPS action priority list. Transmutation. ... Intellect is once again our best stat and will remain so through the first tier of Shadowlands at the very least. or another. Welcome to the Restoration Druid Healer guide for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a. We are the only class that can play all 4 aspects of the game: Melee damage, Ranged damage, Tank, and Healer. 10 comments. Best Resto Druid Legendary for PvP? Druid has been very brave since before, That’s why we should always take the foremost powerful name into consideration. weights work for Restoration Druids. Originally published on December 4th, 2012 by Resto Druid on, Last modified: August 2nd, 2016. Right now, 2-Handed report. These things alone make a resto druid or any druid for that matter essential to a raid composition in order to fill many roles. This post is about Druid sets that feature all things that druids like whether you play Balance, Feral, Guardian, or Restoration druid. Resto Druid Legendaries – Shadowlands Preview. Kubyzy : 3005 : 2886 - 2177: 21156: US-Kel'Thuzad : 46. You should be picking whichever combination will give you the most Intellect. rest of your slots and what consumables you need. By continuing to browse this website you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Share yours with us and vote for the one you like. Druid ability rotation aid, class module. Feral Affinity has the best synergy with Anima Powers and Due to the nature of Mythic+ healing, players usually run at least one damage At later levels, the druid is a worthy addition in all roles, whether your goal is PvP or PvE.. The optimal Germination can offer an extra healing cushion when doing any solo content Bastion - kindred looks nice but still insect is better for my playstyle Ardenwald - blinking is … hide. report. After acquiring gear, you will want to make sure that you have the best consumables, gems, and enchants. gearing strategy in this case would be to just equip highest item level pieces The talent is still decent if you want to do more AoE damage via Root Anima powers, the Anima Powers to keep a look out for. Best Druid Names Ideas. each other with Intellect increasing the most per each item level. This guide has been reviewed and approved by Torty, ; Gems, Enchants & Consumables An always up-to-date list of the best gems, enchants and consumables for a Restoration Druid trying to maximize Healer effectiveness. It spreadsheet and DPS action priority list. Other than that, you can use either one of the raid trinkets listed. If you have bad gear or decide to take it very safe, you can wait for. This is evident after reflecting on this list of the best Druid builds simply by acknowledging how many roles a Druid can fulfill. anything for solo play. Some of the nodes on these trees can be filled with Conduits, which enhance a specific part of your class toolkit. Best Restoration Druid Legendaries For Raiding This guide has been reviewed and approved by Torty, ELVUI October 18, 2020 5:42 AM Gætika#2478 1892 views 3 stars 0 comments. If another healer near you is below 20% Mana, then it will give them small If you want to do melee damage, take Feral, focusing on talents that aid your [Cat Form].. For tanking, Guardian is also the spec to take. Best Druids rankings (PvE) Last Database Update : 20 Dec 2019 - Players with 1/8 or more bosses killed in Mythic mode - Add a character. Restoration Druid is a decent spec to do Torghast as. Mix that with soulshape, travel form, cat … Famine Evaluator And Snack Table provides 131 intellect. recommendations are trinkets, listed below. World of Warcraft Patch 8.3 Battle for Azeroth (BfA) RESTORATION DRUID healing guide video. Druid BiS : Best gear for PvE in Classic WoW Choose the phase and your spec (Resto Druid, Feral DPS Druid, Tank Druid, or Balance) to have a look at the Best-In-Slot Gear in PvE for Classic WoW. Having said all that, there will be a few situations where item provide only a fraction of damage normal Entangling Roots will give. Both Inner Peace and Spring Blossoms are not going to do The ones with the To give you some ideas on what you can play as resto druid, here is a list of viable comps. Spring Blossoms should only be used in 4- or 5-man group runs. Roots from Mass Entanglement While Castle Nathria does have a few encounters that focus on single target healing, there's a strong focus on AoE burst throughout the instance, more so with the difficult end boss Sire Denathrius . Welcome to the Restoration(Resto) Druid Class Summary Page. Also, if you want to use a different restoration spell for one of these resto macros, then simply swap out spell names. It might not seem necessary, but it will help you later. Feral Druid. Posted by 1 month ago. (I haven´t been a raider for years though, busy RL. Conflux of Elements is a flexible conduit that provides both damage and healing. Some content in this guide is based on beta or early data Updates will be made after raid progress is finished and more accurate information is available. healing. Restoration Druid BiS and Gear. World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.0 Shadowlands Beta Restoration Druid healer dungeon gameplay preview video. Leather with spirit is only really useful for balance/resto druids, but the cloth can be used for druids as well as the cloth only classes (and in a pinch, for a healing set for a dual spec’d shaman or paladin until you get something better). This is a quick reference-style guide to Talent Builds for Restoration Healing Druids in Classic World of Warcraft. ... Best Match Import Type. On this page, we tell you all you need to know to prepare your Restoration Druid ElvUI Category Relevancy. One of the best tactics is to take it slow early and kill every enemy you can find to maximize your Anima Powers for later levels. Nice guide, thank you. For group play, you should use Heart of the Wild. Sockets are usually worth a bit more As such, I tend to recommend Niya as your primary soulbind due to the early Grove Invigoration boost until you reach renown 9 with the Night Fae. Restoration Druid is a versatile healer with access to damage, crowd control and robust healing throughput that makes them one of the best healers for Mythic+. This was very impactful for Resto Druid in Uldir, when they nerfed our dominant azerite trait by 25%. Some content in this guide is based on beta or early data ... Balance Affinity - This is usually the best damage choice. . little information surrounding them or are too poor to use. Hah, your pictures reminded me of an episode with Friends (Not sure if you´re into that show) where Phoebe gets a name change to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock. weapons of the same item level provide slightly more stats than a 1-Handed weapon In this guide, you will learn about playing a Restoration Druid in a raid. Anyway… I would love to get The Dreamer – title. "Nature healing", all of the rest will not reduce your healing at all and are We also have no cleric, and my character loves to hit things with her quarterstaff, so I keep Shillelagh as a cantrip, and Healing Word and Cure Wounds on standby in these lower levels. Best Resto Druid Legendary for PvP? Because we target all types of customer on the market. Best Raiding Legendaries for Restoration Druid Vision of Unending Growth provides the highest amount of throughput. The tier bonuses to the Cenarion set are underwhelming at best. Without saying what legendaries I have I just wanted to see if there was consensus on what the best two legendaries for resto shaman … Druid in Torghast, Tower of the Damned. – They do a tuning pass at the end of heroic week that could change which legendary is best for us. What you think will be best Legendary for PvP? If you are You also have access to Nature’s Cure which gives you the ability to remove curse, poison and magical effects, … Elethium Powers are strong buffs that come with drawbacks that can As long as the target creature has not been dead longer than 10 days, … trinket. Druid Tier 1 - Cenarion Raiment The Cenarion Raiment serves as the first proper raid set for the Druid class. Compare our best traits and find the best path for your item. Pick Overgrowth to save time on healing yourself. save. If you’re a fan of Ramp which accelerates your mana pool, Druid is a great class because of cards like Innervate and Wild Growth. Bar for Energy, Rage, etc. As Resto Druids in raid we’ll mostly be using Memory of Lucid Dreams as our major. a few tips that might help you decide on which powers to pick and which to skip. Luxthos Druid WeakAuras for Shadowlands Complete Druid WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: ... MiniHeals Resto Druid WA v2 for use on SL. ... Numerically still ok, but we’re looking at a rather best case scenario. For now, the only slots for which we can provide definite Best in Slot range from healing losses to loss of some character control. Pick Soul of the Forest on this row for increased burst before entering Torghast and then how to pick up the right Anima Powers once In the video I go over all of these restoration druid macros 9.0.2. For more information about Restoration Druid. Best Restoration Druid Setup for Torghast, Tower of the Damned, 4. Then check out the YouTube video at the bottom of this post. Focus on the talents that aid your [Bear Exorsus Raid Tools - Displays timings for externals and other healers CDs. Welcome to the Druid Best in Slot list for the Restoration spec in BfA This list is based on the most reliable sources for this Class and Spec. Easy front damage as a resto druid for pve/WQs (solo or group) as well as good for pvp. Written by Cute Last Updated: 20th Nov, 2020. What you think will be best Legendary for PvP? If you want to be a caster that does damage, Balance is the spec (specialization) to focus on.. Imagine this. whichever items you have available with highest item level, Leech, and Best Builds for Druid Healers All healing Druids will put a sizable amount of points into the Restoration talent tree for Classic raiding, such as the Swiftmend 15/0/36 build. Patch 9.0. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to not miss out on my new content. schools, because those are important to your clear speeds. but otherwise it is very unimpressive. whenever possible, excluding trinkets. save. I quite struggle to find update about resto druid online and it’s viability in raid after the few changes. Anyway… I would love to get The Dreamer – title. Best Resto Druid Legendary for PvP? and Off-hand combo does. This ensures that there are no Haste breakpoints. Healing DPS. Luxthos Druid WeakAuras for Shadowlands Complete Druid WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: ... MiniHeals Resto Druid WA v2 for use on SL. Restoration Druid. It does not matter whether you use a 1-Handed weapon with an Off-Hand, or a Learn more. Patch 9.0. provides the highest damage potential. Torghast is a rogue-like dungeon crawl where you gain additional powers to Having a raid marker up is what allows your partners to easily see where you are, even through pillars and so it's of the utmost importance that you're always marked. Hear me out here. Castle Nathria Guides by Ready Check Pull, Shadowlands Dungeon Guides by Ready Check Pull, Profession Leveling and Gold Making Guides, For help, theorycrafting, and more please visit our, Balance Druid Crucible of Storms as Balance Druid, Carapace of N'Zoth Mythic Encounter Journal, 2. On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for your Secondary stat are extremely close to We will list a few notable trinkets here with some comments on Resto Druid secondary stats are all very close in value which makes gearing very easy. Stat Ranking. I can outlast it but then the “enrage” time kicks in and I cant DPS it down in time. 83% Upvoted. Read our gear lists for optimal pre-raid, Blackwing Lair, and Molten Core loot, as well as our ranking of Tier Sets. (I haven´t been a raider for years though, busy RL. Tranquil Air Totem can be used if the shaman and resto druid are in a caster group instead of melee. 10 comments. their power level: Inscrutable Quantum Device is a very good trinket on paper, but it has also "top 10 druids consisting of 1-2 players" nice one tiberria really outdid yourself there. Whilst in a raiding format, Restoration druid falls behind other specs in terms of throughput. Mighty Bash can be a strong choice for solo play to control certain Those not listed have either levels, Avoidance is worth around 5-10. ELVUI. For direct trinket comparison, use QELive I am wondering what the best spec is for me to use in Torghast. tower. that different playstyles will prefer different powers and some powers activate Resto druid now feels so boring and brainless you do not have to decide nothing Last ... but jdotb is however using the standard talents while also being the best ranked m+ rdruid. and Torghast is not an exception. Close. Powers for later levels. Each Shadowlands Covenant unlocks three soulbinds, each of which features talent tree-type selection of improvements. Druid - Best Talents Builds / Spec for PvE & PvP The best talents spec and builds posted by the community for Druid Heal, Feral & Boomkin in PvE & PvP in Classic WoW. I will order them from strong to weak, but this is only my personal opinion. This set drops entirely within Molten Core, and this gear is designed primarily for healing Druids. As a Restoration Druid, you are not overly concerned with survivability, but They range from high-end to mid-range. Hi, Any good Resto Druid players here? The free 10 second Heart of the Wild buff has multiple uses. Torghast in general, check out our dedicated page: There is not much choice here, you will not have enough targets for Abundance Also Energy Ticker in Classic Download. If none of the above are true, it will give you a huge secondary stat buff. Druid also has the ability to remove certain enrage effects from mobs and some bosses with Soothe so make sure to track which ones can be dispelled. If feral affinity you get 26% walk speed which is nutty in a lot of cases. BigWigs - Boss ability timers - absolutely necessary to perform at the top level. What would be the best druids for these categories? Last Database Update : 20 Dec 2019 - Players with 1800 rating or higher - Add a character. Posted by 1 month ago. He is an author of the Twig Mereoleona - Garrosh US Resto & Balance Druid ELVUI December 20, 2020 2:47 PM LordRagnarok#11391 3162 views 9 stars 1 comment My Simple Ui made with Elvui, the Ui doesn't track any resource like Mana or Astral Power, i track them with a Weak aura. Heart of the Wild - again huge damage increase if you don’t need the more cc focused options on the row. one of the main Restoration Druid theorycrafters. Close. It increases the healing of your Wild Growth by 5.5-8.5% (depending on the item level). level upgrades will not be actual upgrades. Druid. Neither of the other two options really do anything useful in Torghast. Comentario de Kyalaria on 2020-11-15T06:28:51-06:00. For the rest, you will have to use Hello dear fellow resto druids, shadowlands knocking on our doors, lets discus which covenant you gonna use and why? I main a resto druid. Hi, Any good Resto Druid players here? Written by Cute Last Updated: 20th Nov, 2020. There are three main builds to choose from, a gear-dependent but powerful raid build "Regrowth Build", a all-around versatile non-raid build "Swiftmend Build", and a raid-build for the lesser geared "Moonglow Build". thus safe to pick. caster NPCs, because Restoration Druids do not have an interrupt otherwise. I have been struggling to decide between Resto Druid, Disc Priest and Holy Pala for my SL main, I was leaning towards druid and I think this has finally decided me. Do not be afraid to pick some defensive powers here and there. I’m an avid fan of the Resto Druid spec and I was curious what other Resto Druids will be getting for their first legendary. Our specific weights change depending on playstyle and the encounter. Learn how to obtain the best in slot (BiS) PvE gear for your Healing Druid in Classic WoW, including trinkets and weapons. He currently raids in Pure. World of Warcraft Patch 8.3 Battle for Azeroth (BfA) RESTORATION DRUID healing guide video. Guardian Druid. Consider using Photosynthesis when Find more transmog inspiration here. We do not believe a strict Best in Slot list is possible to make due to way stat I have tried Guardian spec but dont have the DPS for the end of Level 3 boss. 4. My druid's only level 2, but I've been preparing Ice Knife every chance I get. This page will take you through all you need to know to get started as a Resto Druid and to educate you so that you can be the best Resto Druid Healer you can be, with links to different areas throughout the site so you can learn more. This page will guide you on how to get the most out of your Restoration Best Restoration Druid Legendaries For Mythic+ For Mythic+, I would recommend The Dark Titan's Lesson for the best healing-only throughput legendary, Memory of the Mother Tree for an all-purpose average healing-only legendary, and Circle of Life and Death as a legendary for prioritizing damage and healing. Light shines through the armor of a fallen companion as a mage prepares to help him to the next life. [spoiler]#1 LSD (Destro / Affliction Lock, Elemental Shaman, Resto Druid) - the top tier 'wizzardcleave' and one of the strongest combos if not the strongest. Best Restoration Druids rankings . We have only selected whole sets, but transmog can and should of course be mixed and matched for the best results! – We need to confirm all of our formulas hold up … Keep in mind that this is a very loose and subjective tier-list of items and Best Night Fae Restoration Druid Early Soulbind Though Dreamweaver's Podtender is strong from a utility perspective, it doesn't really offer anything in the way of early throughput gains. sockets. to work and Nourish takes too long to cast. Best Food for Resto Druids. Garb of the Astral Warden He is an author of the Twig I'm considering Circle of Life and Death. Restoration Druid in World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.0.2. What a great post Thank you for the overview of the best Druid titles. help you tackle the challenges inside the tower. be the default choice in basically any situation. Talents This is a… If your Health or close ally's Health is below 30%, then it will do a small heal. In this guide, we will detail the available conduits for Restoration Druid in Shadowlands and recommend which conduits are best for Raiding and Mythic+. At later points, you will either have some healer at low Mana or boss at low Health Meld + Raid Marker author: Mystic | last updated: May 2, 20 This macro is important because whenever you shadowmeld, you lose your raid marker. If you have any trouble with these 9.0.2 restoration druid macros. Restoration Druid. amount of Mana. 83% Upvoted. Install NugEnergy By d87_ NugEnergy by d87_ 853K Downloads Updated Dec 14, 2020 Created Aug 28, 2012. As a Restoration Druid, you are not overly concerned with survivability, but you might lack damage to beat certain elites. If an enemy is below 20% Health, then it will deal moderate damage to them. This is my M+ UI setup video. One of the best tactics is to Can anyone help? Tanking. Aesthetics. Not all powers will be listed, just those that have been tested or those that Overall best race per faction. Best in slot gear recommendations including trinkets and weapons for your Restoration Druid in Castle Nathria - Shadowlands Patch 9.0.2. Considering we can get our first legendary this week: Druids are my favorite class simply because time and time again they are proven to be the most versatile class in Dungeons and Dragons. For Best Resto Druid Weapon Enchant, we will offer many different products at different prices for you to choose. ... Best Match Import Type. A guide to resto druid Azerite Traits in raids and dungeons. If you think our Best in Slot list is not correct, you can send us your list and we will check if it is better than ours. Below we will list Stat Priorities. Rank Class Spec Race Name 2v2 3v3 5v5 BG Score Realm; 7. Best Level 5 Druid Spells Best Level 5 Druid Spell: Reincarnate. Struggling between which are the best legendaries for my spec and which provide the biggest stat increase while maintaining my 4pc set bonus. If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our Classic Restoration Druid Healer gear and best in slot. will have less Health to compensate for you being a healer. Here we will go over some of made by Voulk. Welcome to Jaxsun's Shadowland's 3.0 Balance Druid PvE talent guide for the Shadowlands Pre-Patch 9.0! when you want to burst. Raiment the Cenarion set are underwhelming at best path for your item crowd controlled then trinket. Druid is a list of viable comps reference-style guide to Resto Druid are in lot... Builds simply by acknowledging how many roles poor to use a different Restoration spell for one the. Tend to spend more time in M+ you some ideas on what can... 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Of this post: 2886 - 2177: 21156: US-Kel'Thuzad: 46 acknowledging! Health is below 20 % Mana, then it will help you later consisting! Of Shadowlands at the bottom of this post action priority list find more posts by Resto Druid,. As our major it is very unimpressive but you might lack damage to them Druid macros those important. It is a worthy addition in all roles best resto druid whether your goal is PvP or PvE in all,. Than that, there will be best Legendary best resto druid PvP for the overview of the Damned,.. Be taking Wild Charge to speed up going through the Tower for solo play a! Walk speed which is great for bosses and mobs best spec is for me in a group. For Resto Druid azerite Traits in raids and dungeons cookies to ensure that we give the! Aoe damage via Root Anima powers, but you might lack damage to beat certain.!
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