Need a little fine-tuning of your own focus? 1) If Paul claimed he had room to grow – what about us? Embed tadcc02 77 views 2017-10-23T12:16:00 Habakkuk 3. The lion tamer holds the stool by the back and thrusts the legs toward the face of the wild animal. That is where I would like to focus this morning. These are those who were 20 Staying focused on God requires abiding in Him. Keeping the Focus in Prayer . Christians are not given a … Do you have trouble staying focused when challenges raise their ugly head? Luke 4:42-44 shows us that Jesus knew His priorities and purpose. Clear out that clutter. <>>> Sermon Illustrations: Focus. Living the focused life is a life focused on three things. For even Jesus was focused. Stay Focused - Sermon Videos. If so, a study of Paul's focused life will help us both. d. Paul’s desire to know Christ more fully had at least four facets: 1) A personal experience: “that I may know Him”, 2) A powerful experience: “and the power of His resurrection”, 3) A painful experience: “and the fellowship of His suffering”, 4) A practical experience: “being conformable unto His death”, e. The beginning of our quest to know Christ is seen in Romans 6 – notice the emphasis on Christ’s suffering and resurrection and our need to conform to His death, 3. Perhaps you, too, have trouble living the focused life. This is true of churches! Prayer is Communication with God . Purpose: to encourage God’s people to keep their focus on Him, through the example of the children of Israel. stream I think that you may be aware that there are a great number of perceptions floating around the greater church of God in regard to prophecies as to how the end times are going to be specifically played out. Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.. Going to heaven must be the goal that pushes us, the reward that drives us and on which our attention is focused. He turned aside and started after the rabbit. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all (1 John1:5) and that means God is POSITIVE. Valley of the Shadow of Death: Praise will fill your heart & mouth (a) Ps 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of . But a person with the Word of God in As you turn back to that little New Testament epistle of Titus, here is a quick overview and back ground to this passage: A hungry tiger started tracking the scent of a deer. 1) To be able to walk in truth is to learn what truth is - this requires study on our part. Paul looked forward to Knowing Christ in the next life, a. If we keep our eyes focused on Jesus…yes, if we keep our eyes focused on Jesus. �g� )����8�`B}$�H�D$�*,��V���SQ �`�!��� ����P$1�e�(D��Q�iL���vw>�m4ٲ$9P�����`q[�?������zwE��á>[�����8��eֿ�AG�0����3 Sermon Outline Gospel of Mark. “Knowing” Christ involves more than just knowing about Him – includes developing a relationship with Him, b. Paul already enjoyed a special relationship with Christ, but he stilled longed for a deeper and richer knowledge, a. Paul wanted to know everything about Jesus. The little girl asked why Dad had a different story. Stay focused on the spiritual task before us, B. endobj I am suggesting that it is much easier for listeners to stay focused on a sermon with one point. I am 52 years young and I believe God wants me to preach His word. Why? <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 594.96 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Solution focused people have faith and hope and move forward in life, problem focused people have fear, anger and despair and stay stuck by the side of the road. Sermon Files (Pdf) Click on desired file to open file in a new window and read sermon of that date. The Sermon Notes help kids start to focus a bit. Regarding the Past: Forgiveness Needed. Finally, followers of Jesus must stay focused on heaven. 2. 2) The Bible challenge is for us to grow > Ephesians 4:15 > 2 Peter 3:18, 3. A. Stay Focused March 6, 2016; Buddy Perstrope; Christ's Return; 2 Peter; Show Audio Player Save Audio Save PDF Is it possible for us to be in the church and opening our Bibles but unfocused when it comes to the Lord’s return? endobj And, keeping focused on Jesus includes staying focused on His word. This is true of businesses! endobj Mark 1:35-39 How to STAY FOCUSED in Life What prevents us from living our life to the fullest? This is true of individuals! We must stay focused! This motivational video of TD Jakes Sermon titled “They Don’t See The Ashes” is available on written notes , PDF , MP3 Audio Download , MP4 Video and free PODCAST , stay happy and seek for your own format below. by Rick Warren — September 30, 2018 ”Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62 TLB). What should our priorities be? This morning as we open to Titus 2:7, we return to the 21st Century Men of Grace Series we have been studying this past year. They have whips and pistols, but they also carry a stool. Staying Focused Tony Nester Philippians 4:4-8 Have you wondered why animal trainers carry a stool when they go into a cage of lions? Stay Focused. This is evidently what Paul had in mind > Philippians 3:11 > John 5:28-29, b. Paul looked forward to the time when he could know Christ fully, 2. A. We must do what is needful, and make time for God in solitude. “Not as though I had already attained…” (v. 12a) – Paul had not yet obtained the full knowledge of Christ – which would come at the resurrection©, b. Benefits of a one-point sermon 1 0 obj I had to learn How To Stay Focused On Jesus even when it felt like evil triumphed. But in verse 15 he suddenly sifts to the plural “Let us” – Paul’s focus in life was also on others, c. Paul wants everyone to have the attitude he has been describing, a. Yohannan: While Jesus was on earth, He could have done all sorts of fantastic things. A hungry tiger started tracking the scent of a deer. Suggested For You. Dr. Aaron D. Burgner, Senior Pastor January 17, 2021 I recently posted this German proverb by my desk: “He who begins too much accomplishes little”. The only one of those things you have control over – and complete control over – is “perspective.” You cannot control the circumstances, but you have 100% control over where you fix your eyes. e are coming to the end of the wilderness wanderings and the children of Israel are getting close to going into the promised land. Can you see him in the Garden of Gethsemane, I hear him saying Father if it be possible let this cup pass from me, but nevertheless not mine will but thine will be done. <> Many matters in life are important, but none are as important as following Jesus, The Significance of the Sufferings of the Christ, Examples of Commitment in the Bible – A Study on Paul’s Commitment, Faith is Seeing The Invisible | Bible Lesson on Living by Faith, Sermon on Women's Role | Women Who Worked for God, Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God Sermon Outline (Part 1), Sermon on Death - Death is... - Things Awful and Wonderful about Death, Sermon on the Plumbline - The God of the Plumbline, Sermon on Preaching - Preaching to Bring About Faith, Sermon on "Faith Only" | Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ #8*. staying focused on jesus. 1) “forgetting those things which are behind” (v. 13), b. To stay focused, we can learn much from the example of Scripture. I am not suggesting that having a sermon with one point is the only way to maintain focus. I learned that this word ‘fret’ means to burn with anger. It’s possible to pray and still be a mean person. 3 0 obj This sermon teaches us how to stay focused in the midst of challenges. Matthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. It’s possible to read the Bible and still be a mean person. In its essence, prayer is communion with God. Israel. He ended the day hungrier than when he had started the day. He could have opened a university and taught science to the smartest scholars from every nation. We want to talk tonight, as we finished up our series on the Book of Titus, talk about this subject: ''Staying Focused.'' As he followed the deer, he came across the scent of a rabbit. 2021-01-17 — GETTING OUT OF THE CAVE OF DEPRESSION — KEYS TO PEACE WITH GOD 2021-01-03 — BUILDING THE ALTAR PLACE […] “and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you”, b. He finally came to the hole into which the mouse had vanished. I have started several sermons already but they are not completed yet. 2 0 obj We “Must stay focused”. Many will say to … Joke: A little girl asked her mother how the human race got started.The mother told her how God created Adam and Eve. If you look at something while driving, you tend to steer off the road. %PDF-1.5 Staying Focused (8 of 8) Series: Setting The House In Order Jeff Schreve Titus 3:9-15 So, if you have your Bible, turn to Titus chapter 3. I find my self preaching in the shower, when I am cooking, when I am driving. One trait of immaturity is an inadequate grasp of God’s word, c. Paul was confident that they would get the instruction they needed to make the proper decisions – he was confident that the dissenters would soon learn better, a. He was betrayed by Judas, but he was focused. Follow the example of Paul, the most focused man the first generation of Christians ever knew. 1. You have to keep your eyes straight ahead. When we dwell on the past we many times become distracted and discouraged, b. Paul said “this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before” (v. 13), 2) Here Paul’s intensity is seen – he had a great desire to reach his spiritual goal, c. What was Paul reaching for? Test the Spirits 6 . Even if your kids can get one thing out of the sermon, it’s better than getting nothing out of it at all! Therefore, to stay focused on the rock of Christ we should want to do anything that Christ asks of us. The Message In Billy Graham's Final Sermon Is Even More True Today . 4 0 obj Stay Focused (we’re almost there!) I. Not “a hundred things I start” or “a dozen things I attempt” – but “one thing I do”, b. Paul says he is putting all his energy into this one thing – “pressing toward the mark”, C. I struggle with this concept – I get involved, at times, in too many projects and end up doing less than my best with many of them, 1. How to Stay Focused on Jesus. 4��'���KD��c�B�I���٩bL�(���]qtx�A`>=��%Yzx���DB*��k��x!qJ�fuB�CB�}��D����hz GE!A9Ң���;��DB#�. There is a cost. It is, as it were, the nourishing umbilical cord that connects us with God. Circumstances + Perspective = Experience. It is these things He focused on. Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. Regarding the Present: Humility Needed, a. The time is now to stay focused! Sermon . Each day we are to deny our personal desires and follow God's way. a. He forgot his past successes – as was seen earlier in this chapter, 1) He admitted he was not “perfect” and he had not “laid hold”, 2) Paul did not spend his time regretting – he repented and moved forward, 3) Many allow the past to destroy their present and future, a. In verses 4-14 we find Paul remaining focused on his life (“I”- “me”-“my”-“myself”), b. Walk in His Truth. a. Peter got out of the boat that morni … I have met thousands of people who’ve told me they want to be used by God but who will never be used by God. If so, a study of Paul’s focused life will help us both. Then he was distracted by the scent of a mouse and started following that. Some will step out of bounds and still want to claim the reward. Printable Sermon Notes for Kids. In the passing of the baton from Elijah to Elisha, Elijah said that Elisha had to see him leave if he was to receive his request of a double anointing. “…either were already perfect” (v. 12b) – Paul knew that he was not all he could be or should be. This fable illustrates how many spend their lives distracted with this or that, and at the end of the day – they have accomplished little. PROPOSITION: Sermon on Staying Focused: To teach the Bible’s doctrine of living the focused life by the example and teaching of the apostle Paul. Jesus knew what to put first and what He had been sent to earth to do. First, Luke 9:23 teaches, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." every time i give my testimony about the day that god came to me and revealed himself to me and saved my soul from an eternal damnation and filled me with his spirit and produced in me the joy of my salvation, given me a chance to see lydia come to christ, the jailer come to christ, young timothy continue to grow in the likeness of christ… In Psalm 37, David starts off with the instruction of not fretting about evildoers because their days are limited. Perhaps you, too, have trouble living the focused life. He wanted to know “the power of His resurrection“, 1) Paul wants to know the power or strength available to the Christian through the resurrection of the Lord, 2) Paul wrote Galatians 2:20 > Philippians 4:13, 3) But at the same time he felt the need for a constant renewal of that strength and power, b. Mark 12:18-34. Focused On a Person. My latest one is "Fighting to stay Focused". As he … B. Philippians 3:10-16 gives us a focus for our life – a spiritual focus, a. Reverence: Staying Focused on God in a World of Distractions / January 9, 2011. We, as born again believers have been called to follow Christ. The little girl asked her Dad who said we evolved from monkeys. 2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker They marched him from judgement hall to judgement hall, but he was focused. Ronn Bailey made the sports headlines in 2005 when he became the first amateur American to enter the Dakar Rally, the longest, most dangerous off-road race in the world. It’s easy to live worried, stay focused on the problem, think about why it’s not going to work out. In addition, Paul wanted to know “the fellowship of his suffering“, 1) “Fellowship” is sharing or joint participation, 2) Paul felt no one could know Christ fully unless he shared in His suffering, 3) Galatians 6:17 > 2 Corinthians 4:10-11, 4) Through suffering for the cause of Christ, Paul came to understand more clearly what the Lord had suffered for him, c. Paul concluded his thought with the words, “conformable unto his death”, 1) With the help of the Lord, Paul was dying to himself. Stay Focused on God’s Plan for Your Life. Sermon Archives Home > Sermons > Christ's Return > Stay Focused. We must not let anything or anyone come between us and our commitment to follow Christ. INTRODUCTION: Philippians 3:10-16 A. We must stay focused and on track. To stay focused in life and do the work God has entrusted us, we must constantly pose the questions of purpose and priority. There are many wonderful preachers who preach very effective sermons with more than one point. I want to obey God but I find it a challenge to stay focused. Going to heaven after our earthly life is over – that is what it is all about! %���� Church stay focused on Jesus. The cost of following Christ may be different from person to person. Choose the right finish line. Oh, I was familiar with that feeling! If you don’t know where to start, try reading John 15:1-11 each morning for a week. PROPOSITION: Sermon on Staying Focused: To teach the Bible’s doctrine of living the focused life by the example and teaching of the apostle Paul.We must stay focused! I know your mornings are rushed, but if you create the discipline to spend the first minutes of your day reading the Word of God and talking to Him about the day ahead, you will have a greater focus on Him throughout the day.. Philippians 3:10-11 I read once that the stool is their most important tool. That means God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all ( 1 ). 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A Study of Paul's Focused Life. We should focus on things that will last for eternity. This is what we see Jesus do in the last part of Luke 4. > Paul was reaching for the prize, 1) Paul knew, and so should we, that this can only be done as we faithfully fulfill our mission, 2) We must live faithfully and bring as many to Christ as we possible can, [ Finally in this sermon on staying focused we are to be… ], a. Daniel Pritchett Stay Focused! How did Paul cope with not being all that he could be? A. x��io���� ��_� $�s�p:l'�'�[5���(��jW!uT��}o.ΐ�R�"���y3����|����ϧQrx��D�ww��&ɣ��;$J�?e4N(�2A�^��$�%�x���y��M��ޞݶ��W���^��g��/�;� �BJ#��{xIF┺x?�LX�ꐿL� Iyu(��8NH~r�^�$I���Є����� Joke: I heard about a … Habakkuk 3. x . Distractions. Stay in the presence of God & receive a fresh anointing: (a) Ps 23 5 You anoint my head with oil (1) If you will set at the table God sets for you in the midst of the . Stay Focused by K.P. This simple Printable Sermon Notes for Kids is the perfect template to keep on hand for your kids to use every Sunday. Isaiah said, “If you’ll keep your mind on Him, He will keep you in perfect peace.” Our part is to keep our mind on Him. “Walk by the same rule…mind the same thing”, b. While you’re waiting for God to change things, that’s a test. To be spiritually united we must have a common authority – God’s Word, c. God’s will for us will be plain if we will obediently adhere to His written word, CONCLUSION: Living the focused life finds us: [ End of this sermon on staying focused ], A. He could have built buildings that would have made the engineers and architects of the Roman Empire look stupid. Following Christ is a life time journey. This is true of marriages! Nothing should hinder our walk with Christ. This file can also be downloaded from that new Pdf window. <> Need a little fine-tuning of your own focus? 1) If Paul claimed he had room to grow – what about us? Embed tadcc02 77 views 2017-10-23T12:16:00 Habakkuk 3. The lion tamer holds the stool by the back and thrusts the legs toward the face of the wild animal. That is where I would like to focus this morning. These are those who were 20 Staying focused on God requires abiding in Him. Keeping the Focus in Prayer . Christians are not given a … Do you have trouble staying focused when challenges raise their ugly head? Luke 4:42-44 shows us that Jesus knew His priorities and purpose. Clear out that clutter. <>>> Sermon Illustrations: Focus. Living the focused life is a life focused on three things. For even Jesus was focused. Stay Focused - Sermon Videos. If so, a study of Paul's focused life will help us both. d. Paul’s desire to know Christ more fully had at least four facets: 1) A personal experience: “that I may know Him”, 2) A powerful experience: “and the power of His resurrection”, 3) A painful experience: “and the fellowship of His suffering”, 4) A practical experience: “being conformable unto His death”, e. The beginning of our quest to know Christ is seen in Romans 6 – notice the emphasis on Christ’s suffering and resurrection and our need to conform to His death, 3. Perhaps you, too, have trouble living the focused life. This is true of churches! Prayer is Communication with God . Purpose: to encourage God’s people to keep their focus on Him, through the example of the children of Israel. stream I think that you may be aware that there are a great number of perceptions floating around the greater church of God in regard to prophecies as to how the end times are going to be specifically played out. Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.. Going to heaven must be the goal that pushes us, the reward that drives us and on which our attention is focused. He turned aside and started after the rabbit. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all (1 John1:5) and that means God is POSITIVE. Valley of the Shadow of Death: Praise will fill your heart & mouth (a) Ps 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of . But a person with the Word of God in As you turn back to that little New Testament epistle of Titus, here is a quick overview and back ground to this passage: A hungry tiger started tracking the scent of a deer. 1) To be able to walk in truth is to learn what truth is - this requires study on our part. Paul looked forward to Knowing Christ in the next life, a. If we keep our eyes focused on Jesus…yes, if we keep our eyes focused on Jesus. �g� )����8�`B}$�H�D$�*,��V���SQ �`�!��� ����P$1�e�(D��Q�iL���vw>�m4ٲ$9P�����`q[�?������zwE��á>[�����8��eֿ�AG�0����3 Sermon Outline Gospel of Mark. “Knowing” Christ involves more than just knowing about Him – includes developing a relationship with Him, b. Paul already enjoyed a special relationship with Christ, but he stilled longed for a deeper and richer knowledge, a. Paul wanted to know everything about Jesus. The little girl asked why Dad had a different story. Stay focused on the spiritual task before us, B. endobj I am suggesting that it is much easier for listeners to stay focused on a sermon with one point. I am 52 years young and I believe God wants me to preach His word. Why? <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 594.96 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Solution focused people have faith and hope and move forward in life, problem focused people have fear, anger and despair and stay stuck by the side of the road. Sermon Files (Pdf) Click on desired file to open file in a new window and read sermon of that date. The Sermon Notes help kids start to focus a bit. Regarding the Past: Forgiveness Needed. Finally, followers of Jesus must stay focused on heaven. 2. 2) The Bible challenge is for us to grow > Ephesians 4:15 > 2 Peter 3:18, 3. A. Stay Focused March 6, 2016; Buddy Perstrope; Christ's Return; 2 Peter; Show Audio Player Save Audio Save PDF Is it possible for us to be in the church and opening our Bibles but unfocused when it comes to the Lord’s return? endobj And, keeping focused on Jesus includes staying focused on His word. This is true of businesses! endobj Mark 1:35-39 How to STAY FOCUSED in Life What prevents us from living our life to the fullest? This is true of individuals! We must stay focused! This motivational video of TD Jakes Sermon titled “They Don’t See The Ashes” is available on written notes , PDF , MP3 Audio Download , MP4 Video and free PODCAST , stay happy and seek for your own format below. by Rick Warren — September 30, 2018 ”Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62 TLB). What should our priorities be? This morning as we open to Titus 2:7, we return to the 21st Century Men of Grace Series we have been studying this past year. They have whips and pistols, but they also carry a stool. Staying Focused Tony Nester Philippians 4:4-8 Have you wondered why animal trainers carry a stool when they go into a cage of lions? Stay Focused. This is evidently what Paul had in mind > Philippians 3:11 > John 5:28-29, b. Paul looked forward to the time when he could know Christ fully, 2. A. We must do what is needful, and make time for God in solitude. “Not as though I had already attained…” (v. 12a) – Paul had not yet obtained the full knowledge of Christ – which would come at the resurrection©, b. Benefits of a one-point sermon 1 0 obj I had to learn How To Stay Focused On Jesus even when it felt like evil triumphed. But in verse 15 he suddenly sifts to the plural “Let us” – Paul’s focus in life was also on others, c. Paul wants everyone to have the attitude he has been describing, a. Yohannan: While Jesus was on earth, He could have done all sorts of fantastic things. A hungry tiger started tracking the scent of a deer. Suggested For You. Dr. Aaron D. Burgner, Senior Pastor January 17, 2021 I recently posted this German proverb by my desk: “He who begins too much accomplishes little”. The only one of those things you have control over – and complete control over – is “perspective.” You cannot control the circumstances, but you have 100% control over where you fix your eyes. e are coming to the end of the wilderness wanderings and the children of Israel are getting close to going into the promised land. Can you see him in the Garden of Gethsemane, I hear him saying Father if it be possible let this cup pass from me, but nevertheless not mine will but thine will be done. <> Many matters in life are important, but none are as important as following Jesus, The Significance of the Sufferings of the Christ, Examples of Commitment in the Bible – A Study on Paul’s Commitment, Faith is Seeing The Invisible | Bible Lesson on Living by Faith, Sermon on Women's Role | Women Who Worked for God, Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God Sermon Outline (Part 1), Sermon on Death - Death is... - Things Awful and Wonderful about Death, Sermon on the Plumbline - The God of the Plumbline, Sermon on Preaching - Preaching to Bring About Faith, Sermon on "Faith Only" | Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ #8*. staying focused on jesus. 1) “forgetting those things which are behind” (v. 13), b. To stay focused, we can learn much from the example of Scripture. I am not suggesting that having a sermon with one point is the only way to maintain focus. I learned that this word ‘fret’ means to burn with anger. It’s possible to pray and still be a mean person. 3 0 obj This sermon teaches us how to stay focused in the midst of challenges. Matthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. It’s possible to read the Bible and still be a mean person. In its essence, prayer is communion with God. Israel. He ended the day hungrier than when he had started the day. He could have opened a university and taught science to the smartest scholars from every nation. We want to talk tonight, as we finished up our series on the Book of Titus, talk about this subject: ''Staying Focused.'' As he followed the deer, he came across the scent of a rabbit. 2021-01-17 — GETTING OUT OF THE CAVE OF DEPRESSION — KEYS TO PEACE WITH GOD 2021-01-03 — BUILDING THE ALTAR PLACE […] “and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you”, b. He finally came to the hole into which the mouse had vanished. I have started several sermons already but they are not completed yet. 2 0 obj We “Must stay focused”. Many will say to … Joke: A little girl asked her mother how the human race got started.The mother told her how God created Adam and Eve. If you look at something while driving, you tend to steer off the road. %PDF-1.5 Staying Focused (8 of 8) Series: Setting The House In Order Jeff Schreve Titus 3:9-15 So, if you have your Bible, turn to Titus chapter 3. I find my self preaching in the shower, when I am cooking, when I am driving. One trait of immaturity is an inadequate grasp of God’s word, c. Paul was confident that they would get the instruction they needed to make the proper decisions – he was confident that the dissenters would soon learn better, a. He was betrayed by Judas, but he was focused. Follow the example of Paul, the most focused man the first generation of Christians ever knew. 1. You have to keep your eyes straight ahead. When we dwell on the past we many times become distracted and discouraged, b. Paul said “this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before” (v. 13), 2) Here Paul’s intensity is seen – he had a great desire to reach his spiritual goal, c. What was Paul reaching for? Test the Spirits 6 . Even if your kids can get one thing out of the sermon, it’s better than getting nothing out of it at all! Therefore, to stay focused on the rock of Christ we should want to do anything that Christ asks of us. The Message In Billy Graham's Final Sermon Is Even More True Today . 4 0 obj Stay Focused (we’re almost there!) I. Not “a hundred things I start” or “a dozen things I attempt” – but “one thing I do”, b. Paul says he is putting all his energy into this one thing – “pressing toward the mark”, C. I struggle with this concept – I get involved, at times, in too many projects and end up doing less than my best with many of them, 1. How to Stay Focused on Jesus. 4��'���KD��c�B�I���٩bL�(���]qtx�A`>=��%Yzx���DB*��k��x!qJ�fuB�CB�}��D����hz GE!A9Ң���;��DB#�. There is a cost. It is, as it were, the nourishing umbilical cord that connects us with God. Circumstances + Perspective = Experience. It is these things He focused on. Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. Regarding the Present: Humility Needed, a. The time is now to stay focused! Sermon . Each day we are to deny our personal desires and follow God's way. a. He forgot his past successes – as was seen earlier in this chapter, 1) He admitted he was not “perfect” and he had not “laid hold”, 2) Paul did not spend his time regretting – he repented and moved forward, 3) Many allow the past to destroy their present and future, a. In verses 4-14 we find Paul remaining focused on his life (“I”- “me”-“my”-“myself”), b. Walk in His Truth. a. Peter got out of the boat that morni … I have met thousands of people who’ve told me they want to be used by God but who will never be used by God. If so, a study of Paul’s focused life will help us both. Then he was distracted by the scent of a mouse and started following that. Some will step out of bounds and still want to claim the reward. Printable Sermon Notes for Kids. In the passing of the baton from Elijah to Elisha, Elijah said that Elisha had to see him leave if he was to receive his request of a double anointing. “…either were already perfect” (v. 12b) – Paul knew that he was not all he could be or should be. This fable illustrates how many spend their lives distracted with this or that, and at the end of the day – they have accomplished little. PROPOSITION: Sermon on Staying Focused: To teach the Bible’s doctrine of living the focused life by the example and teaching of the apostle Paul. Jesus knew what to put first and what He had been sent to earth to do. First, Luke 9:23 teaches, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." every time i give my testimony about the day that god came to me and revealed himself to me and saved my soul from an eternal damnation and filled me with his spirit and produced in me the joy of my salvation, given me a chance to see lydia come to christ, the jailer come to christ, young timothy continue to grow in the likeness of christ… In Psalm 37, David starts off with the instruction of not fretting about evildoers because their days are limited. Perhaps you, too, have trouble living the focused life. He wanted to know “the power of His resurrection“, 1) Paul wants to know the power or strength available to the Christian through the resurrection of the Lord, 2) Paul wrote Galatians 2:20 > Philippians 4:13, 3) But at the same time he felt the need for a constant renewal of that strength and power, b. Mark 12:18-34. Focused On a Person. My latest one is "Fighting to stay Focused". As he … B. Philippians 3:10-16 gives us a focus for our life – a spiritual focus, a. Reverence: Staying Focused on God in a World of Distractions / January 9, 2011. We, as born again believers have been called to follow Christ. The little girl asked her Dad who said we evolved from monkeys. 2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker They marched him from judgement hall to judgement hall, but he was focused. Ronn Bailey made the sports headlines in 2005 when he became the first amateur American to enter the Dakar Rally, the longest, most dangerous off-road race in the world. It’s easy to live worried, stay focused on the problem, think about why it’s not going to work out. In addition, Paul wanted to know “the fellowship of his suffering“, 1) “Fellowship” is sharing or joint participation, 2) Paul felt no one could know Christ fully unless he shared in His suffering, 3) Galatians 6:17 > 2 Corinthians 4:10-11, 4) Through suffering for the cause of Christ, Paul came to understand more clearly what the Lord had suffered for him, c. Paul concluded his thought with the words, “conformable unto his death”, 1) With the help of the Lord, Paul was dying to himself. Stay Focused on God’s Plan for Your Life. Sermon Archives Home > Sermons > Christ's Return > Stay Focused. We must not let anything or anyone come between us and our commitment to follow Christ. INTRODUCTION: Philippians 3:10-16 A. We must stay focused and on track. To stay focused in life and do the work God has entrusted us, we must constantly pose the questions of purpose and priority. There are many wonderful preachers who preach very effective sermons with more than one point. 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