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After acceptance of the cover art, authors should provide the graphic as a high resolution TIF file with a minimum of 300 dpi at 8.19 × 10 in. Three authors Smith, John, Jane Jones, and Mary Green. Professional Text Proposal Form Please indicate the given name and family name clearly. Abstract of 100-150 words. By using this site you agree to the use of cookies. Preparing Your Manuscript: Permissions and Images, Routledge Monograph Cover Designs (JPG) The most common format for books in a reference list is: Author, A. Enter keywords, authors, DOI etc . Routledge Handbooks Online is our premium digital reference home that provides institutional access to our handbooks at chapter level, significantly expanding potential readership and discoverability. You should always consult the relevant journal's author guidelines to see whether supporting information is accepted. Monographs are high-level hardback books aimed at researchers and academics in a given subject area, with sales primarily to libraries. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author… The global politics of polio eradication. There is an opportunity to provide a statement of author responsibilities ("CRediT"). Headers and page numbers (see below). 6. Author B has received a speaker honorarium from Company Wand owns stock in Company X. International academic publisher with offices worldwide. Here you’ll find resources and information on publishing with us – who we are, what we do, and why you should publish with us. 8. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. Authors may have contributed in multiple roles. (See below for exception rules). 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Routledge New Paperback Cover Templates. Author's Guideline. We have a strong international presence, allowing our editorial, marketing, foreign rights, and sales teams to ensure your book has the right exposure. Text Preparation Instructions for Authored Disk Manuscripts in LaTeX (.pdf) Links and downloads Instructions for Authors (Download pdf, 364 kB) Author Information - Visual Abstract Template (Download pptx, 175 kB) Author Information - Key Points and Visual Abstract Examples (Download pdf, 675 kB) Open access publishing. Author’s names and affiliations . Here you can find documents for book submissions for our Routledge imprint (Arts, Humanities, Behavioral Sciences, Education and Social Sciences): Research Monograph Proposal Form An eprint is a free, online link to an author’s article sent to all authors who publish in a subscription-based Taylor & Francis or Routledge journal. The author affiliation(s) listed should be the institution(s) where the work was conducted. 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The Panel is supporting authors, in partnership with the Managing Editor at Routledge, to develop and deliver each proposal. Therefore it needs to be organized in a way that provides the right information to us and to referees. CRediT in no way changes the journal’s criteria to qualify for authorship. Authors must provide an abstract that states in 250 words or fewer the major points made and the principal conclusions reached. ... multicultural skills, and ethical guidelines are the foundation of building comprehensive programs. It goes further than any other book in surveying the full variety of issues that practising sport psychologists will confront in their working lives. Financial interests: The authors declare they have no financial interests. Your book will become part of an exceptional list that includes books by many of the greatest thinkers and scholars of the past hundred years, as well as great contemporary minds. 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