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3. only moral patients. All moral patients are moral agents, but not all moral agents are moral patients. yes. Those that meet the subject-of-a-life criterion. Possible candidates might be animals or the environment. Savannah03209. What grounds moral agency is simply different from what grounds moral standing as a patient. b. The Moral Status Of Animals 1425 Words | 6 Pages. Objection 3: Individual consumers lack the power to put an end to factory farming. Part 5 – Metaethics: Are there objective moral facts? Humans tend to put more ethical value to people (or things) that they hold near and dear to themselves, but at what cost do we justify the abuse of other living creatures in factory farms? Why does Norcross think that our emotional attachment to fellow humans cannot justify treating marginal human beings differently from some animals? Physicalism: Mind Brain Identity Theory (Type Identity Theory), Token Identity Theory and Token Physicalism. The myth of the privileged moral status of moral agents has no clothes.”, The miniride principle (minimize overriding), “By making use of the notion of comparable harm, the rights view can formulate tow principle that can be appealed to in order to make decisions in prevention (emphasis added) cases.”. Nor do those who have more “cultivated” preferences (say, for arts and letters) therefore have greater inherent value. Those who satisfy the subject-of-a-life criterion themselves have a distinctive kind of value – inherent value – and are not to be viewed or treated as mere receptacles.”. It has created an environment where, as Thoreau complains in Walden (1854, p. 25), “men have become the tools of their tools.” A moral patient lacks the ability to formulate, let alone bring to bear, moral principles in deliberating about which one among a number of possible acts it would be right or proper to perform. Alastair Norcross argues that the basic judgments of morality are essentially comparative: alternatives are judged to be better or worse than each other. correct incorrect. Only Moral Patients 4. We ought also count non human animals as moral patients too because the question is not, can they reason nor can they talk, but can they suffer? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Part 2 – Philosophy of Religion: Does God Exist? They have been summoned by Fred’s neighbors, who have been disturbed by strange sounds emanating from Fred’s basement. All have inherent value (4 humans and a dog) but the human suffer a greater loss of future opportunities in dying therefore our intuitions that it is the dog that must be sacrificed are justified. To view moral agents as having inherent value is thus to view them as something different from, and something more than, mere receptacles of what has intrinsic value. Change ), Some General Tips for writing a Philosophy Paper, More good advice on writing a philosophy paper, Even More Good Advice About Writing a Philosophy Paper, The Elements of Style by Strunk and White, Logic for Intro to Philosophy: Deductive Reasoning, Validity, and Soundness, Week 3: Moral Emotions and Moral Philosophy, Week 5: The Enlightenment and Social Contract Theory, Week 8: Communism, Socialism, and Democratic Socialism, Week 14: War, Global Poverty, and the Environment, Week 15: Looking Ahead to Future Generations of Humankind, Unit 12: Racism and the #BlackLivesMatter Movement, Unit 13: Feminism and the #MeToo Movement, Lecture 3 Notes (Contractarianism/Hobbesian Social Contract Theory), Lecture 4 Notes (Contractualism/Kantian Ethics), Lecture 5 Notes: Judith Jarvis Thomson and Don Marquis, Introduction to Philosophy: Metaphysics and Epistemology. lindsay_segool. Df – Special considerations aside, when we must decide to override the rights of the many or the rights of the few who are innocent, and when the harm faced by the few would make them worse-ff than any of the many would be in any other option were chosen, then we ought to override the rights of the many. . Make sure you explain Norcross’ use of analogy in comprehensive detail, as well as providing the argument form (reconstruction). Which of the following responses to the argument from marginal cases does Norcross. ◦ Seat belts on airplanes have only a tiny chance of preventing suffering but it would be morally wrong to not provide them in airplanes. Eli Lilly & Co has ended its clinical trial of an antibody drug early after it was shown to not help hospitalized coronavirus patients recover.. Dostoyevsky’s Rebellion Chapter from The Brothers Karamazov, Mackie and Swinburne Reading Notes and Intro. Instead, those who are solely moral patients (animals) are those who are affected by the actions and decisions of the moral community but cannot reason right and wrong for themselves, nor for the moral … Create a free website or blog at The ongoing march toward evidence-based practices tends to neglect the human dimensions of the practitioner, patient, and psychotherapy (Norcross et al., 2017). None Of The Above QUESTION 2 What Was Thomas Hobbes's Term For A Condition In Which There Is No Government To Maintain Order? c. All moral agents are moral patients, and all moral patients are moral agents. Df – Special considerations aside, when we must choose between overriding the rights of many who are innocent or the rights of a few who are innocent, and when each affected individual will be harmed in a prima facie comparable way, then we ought to choose to override the rights of the few in preference of the rights of the many. b. Give examples of human moral patients that are not moral agents. c. All moral agents are moral patients, and all moral patients are moral agents. All moral agents are moral patients, but not all moral patients are moral agents. 242-244)? How does Norcross respond? A 'triage tool', drawn up at the request of England's chief medical officer, was used to prevent elderly Covid-19 patients from receiving ventilation in intensive care, reports the Sunday Times. Are some moral patients also moral agents, according to Norcross? a. “Our belief that it is the dog who should be killed is justified by appeal to the worse-off principle”, “Thus the case for animals rights has been offered. Therefore, it is not permissible to kill and eat farm animals. correct incorrect All moral patients are moral agents, but not all moral agents are moral patients. Two Lines of Response to the Argument from Marginal Cases: Response 1: Kind matters (one of the authors specifically invokes speciesm), Norcross’ Response: We don’t accept discrimination in other spheres of judgment, Warren: “There are powerful practical and emotional reasons for protecting non-rational human beings, reasons which are absent in the cases of most non-human animals” (Norcoss 319). 2. only moral agents. Part 3 – Philosophy of Mind: Does the Soul Exist? Study 13 PHIL2120 - Norcross flashcards from Steve B. on StudyBlue. Moreover, low commitment levels predicting moral disengagement is in line with previous results in patient care settings, indicating that commitment levels were heavily influenced by one's social identity or feeling of belongingness to a group. It is possible, however, to have obligations toward these things. 1.Explain, reconstruct, and critically examine Alistair Norcross’ argument for ethical treatment of animals. d. Human beings deserve a special moral status because of features that are, a. Humans are superior to animals because they are created in God's image. 2. only moral agents. c. All moral agents are moral patients, and all moral patients are moral agents. .” (Norcross, 313). ◦ “It appears, then, that the claim of causal impotence is mere wishful thinking, on the part of those meat lovers who are morally sensitive enough to realize that that human gustatory pleasure does not justify inflicting extreme suffering on animals . Alastair Norcross (in Puppies, pigs and People) uses Fred and factory farmed meat, the rationality gambit, and the problem of marginal cases to prove that, no, farm animals are not morally inferior to you or I, and yes, boycotting these large industries will make a difference. Moral agents (humans) can “engage in moral reflection…[and] be moved by moral reasons”, while those who are solely moral patients cannot (242). b. An individual who is capable of acting morally, c. An individual whose interests are morally considerable, d. An individual who is incapable of acting morally. What does Norcross think is the relationship between being a moral agent and being a moral patient? All moral agents are moral patients, but not all moral patients are moral agents. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... PHIL230 Quiz 6 15 Terms. ( Log Out / What is a moral agent, according to Norcross, and what is a moral patient? To be the subject-of-a-life is to be an individual whose life is characterized by those features explored in the opening chapters of the present work: that is, individual are subjects-of-a-life if they have beliefs and desires; perception, memory, and a sense of the future, including their own future, an emotional life together with feelings of pleasure and pain; preference and welfare-interests; the ability to intitiate action in pursuit of their desires and goals; a psychophysical identity over time; and an individual welfare in the sense that their experiential life fares well or ill for them, logically independently of their utility for others and logically independently of their being the object of anyone else’s interests. Find Money, Markets, and Morals at Norcross, Georgia, along with other Arts and Humanities in Norcross, Georgia. darioringach says: April 5, 2013 at 1:48 pm. All moral patients are moral agents, but not all moral agents are moral patients. 3. only moral patients. All moral agents are moral patients, but not all moral patients are moral agents. Encouragez le patient, offrez-lui de l'aide et, si nécessaire, adressez-le à un programme de traitement de la dépendance à l'alcool ou à d'autres substances. c. All moral agents are moral patients, and all moral patients are moral agents. In the present contribution, we argue that as potential benefit, informed consent can foster the patient’s meaning response. Response: What is Fred paid someone else to do it for him? (299). a. What trait did Aristotle believe grants humans higher moral status than animals? yes. Does SOAL criterion meet the following demands: 1) shared by all moral agents and patients who are deemed to have inherent value, 2) It is a categorical value that does not admit of degrees, 3) Separates those that have inherent value from those that are merely alive, The Respect Principle – We are to treat those individuals who have inherent value in ways that respect their inherent value. 4. Study 13 PHIL2120 - Norcross flashcards from Steve B. on StudyBlue. b. . Teresa Morales-Munoz, LAPC is a Counselor in Norcross, GA. Be sure to call ahead with Teresa Morales-Munoz to book an appointment. ( Log Out / The last section of Norcross’s article argues that the fact that animals are not (and cannot be) moral agents does not mean they are not moral patients. T-RES2 Fred’s Basement Consider the story of Fred, who receives a visit from the police one day. Are all moral patients also moral agents? Because moral agents have these abilities, it is fair to hold them morally accountable for what they do, assuming that the circumstances of their acting as they do in a particular case do not dictate otherwise.”, “In contrast to moral agents, moral patients lack the prerequisites that would enable them to control their own behavior in ways that would make them morally accountable for what they do. 4. Thus are we able to avoid the counterintuitive implications of act utilitarianism if we deny the receptacle view of moral agents and postulate their inherent equal value.”. Moral patients are things towards which moral agents can have moral responsibilities. Many patients continue to try as many as seven different antidepressants to treat their mood disorders, with little success. morally speaking. Alan Dershowitz: Should the Ticking Bomb Terrorist Be Tortured? Peter Singer: The Singer Solution to World Poverty, James Rachels: The Morality of Euthanasia, Michael Walzer: Terrorism: A Critique of Excuses. ◦ “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel” Samuel Johnson. Moral Agents And Patients O 2. All moral patients are moral agents, but not all moral agents are moral patients. None of the above Does this disanalogy undermine Norcross's argument? The inherent value of any given moral agent isn’t equal to any sum of intrinsic value of the experiences of all other moral agents. We are justified in attributing a different moral status to animals who are just as cognitively sophisticated as marginal humans. Only Moral Agents 3. Response: maybe that is true of some but not most and in any case you as the readers can no longer use that excuse. One cannot ask, How much intrinsic value is the inherent value of this individual worth – how much is it equal to? Does Norcross think that non-human animals are moral agents? “Moral agents are individuals who have a variety of sophisticated abilities, including in particular the ability to bring impartial moral principles to bear on the determination of what, all considered, morally ought to be done and, having made this determination, to freely choose or fail to choose to act as morality, as they conceive it, requires. According to Norcross, we have moral duties towards: 1. moral agents and patients. All moral agents are moral patients, but not all moral patients are moral agents. c. We are justified in treating marginal humans just as we treat factory-farmed animals. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. John Corvino: Why Shouldn’t Tommy and Jim Have Sex? The overarching goal is to retain patients by creating a new therapy for each based on both their diagnostic and transdiagnostic features (Norcross & Wampold, 2019). All moral agents are moral patients, but not all moral patients are moral agents. But this would seem to imply that we can take advantage of people who don't exercise or do not fully have this capacity, like young children. When we are dealing with moral agents, we generally treat them as equals. Are non-human animals moral agents, moral patients, or both, according to Norcross (pp. Moral patients, in a … It is enough for our purposes, however, that some humans are reasonably viewed in this way.”, (a): “those individuals who are conscious and sentient (i.e., can experience pleasure and pain) but who lack other mental abilities. None of the above . There is no morally relevant difference between Fred’s behavior and the behavior of the millions of people who purchase and consume factory-farmed meat. Excuse any of words in this post, my phone sometimes puts them in by mistake. Part 4 – Skepticism and The Problem of the External World: Is the world real or an Illusion? What does Norcross think is the relationship between being a moral agent and being a moral patient? According to Norcross, we have moral duties towards: 1. moral agents and patients. d. Agribusiness is too large to respond to the behavior of one consumer. A moral patient lacks the ability to formulate, let alone bring to bear, moral principles in deliberating about which one among a number of possible acts it would be right or proper to perform. Only moral agents can function as the bearers of moral obligations towards others, while moral patients can be the objects of the moral obligations of others, but need not themselves be capable of moral agency. All moral patients are moral agents, but not all moral agents are moral patients. Response 1: Even cocoamone became a large industry it would still be immoral. Moral patients, in a word, cannot do what is right, nor can they do what is wrong. Objection 4: Puppies have a higher moral status than farm animals. All moral agents are moral patients, but not all moral patients are moral agents. Those who have a more pleasant or happier life do not therefore have greater inherent value than those whose lives are less pleasant or happy. PHI final exam study guide 5,6,7 15 Terms. More controversial is whether human fetuses and future generations of human beings qualify as moral patients. Norcross argues that people that knowingly eat food that comes from animals that are raised on farms that use these abusive methods are no better people than Fred and their actions are as such morally unacceptable. Reagan is suggesting kind of utilitarianism of rights, but only when we must chose between overriding some rights. a. All moral patients are moral agents, but not all moral agents are moral patients. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Because we also have an emotional attachment to many animals, c. Because what outrages human sensibilities is a very fragile thing, d. Because our emotional attachment to fellow human beings is irrational. Objection 2: Meat-eaters are ignorant of the suffering they cause. A moral patient, on the other hand, is something that cannot be expected to act for moral reasons. What does Norcross think is the relationship between being a moral agent and being a moral patient? Human infants, young children, and the mentally deranged or enfeebled of all ages are paradigm cases of human moral patients. All moral agents are moral patients, but not all moral patients are moral agents. correct incorrect. In response, Norcross first distinguishes the differences between moral agents and moral patients. Babies are not moral agents and animals not moral agents. Only moral agents can do what is wrong. “To be the subject-of-a-life, int eh sense in which this expression will be used, involves more than merely being alive and more than merely being conscious. a. . a. b. What does Norcross think is the relationship between being a moral agent and being a moral patient? Some animals, for reasons already advance, belong in category (b); other animals quite probably belong in category (a). All moral patients are moral agents, but not all moral agents are moral patients. d. Nothing can be both a moral agent and a moral patient. Notes on Moore’s Proof of the Existence of the an External World, Naive Realism and Representational Realism. Many perhaps most humans are both moral agents and patients Most perhaps all from CCHU 9005 at The University of Hong Kong According to Alastair Norcross the definition of a marginal case is, “Whatever kind and level of rationality is selected as justifying the attribution of superior moral status to humans will be lacking in some humans or present in … Which of the following objections does Norcross. Alastair Norcross argues that the basic judgments of morality are essentially comparative: alternatives are judged to be better or worse than each other. Return to Disputed Moral Issues 5e Student Resources The Ethical Treatment of Animals Mary's laptop deserves moral consideration only because she owns it and cares about it. Healthcare professionals including psychotherapists are legally and ethically obliged to ensure informed consent for the provided treatments comprising type and duration or potential benefits and possible risks (e.g., side effects) among others. The overarching goal is to retain patients by creating a new therapy for each based on both their diagnostic and transdiagnostic features (Norcross & Wampold, 2019). Comment aider un patient à s'orienter vers le changement. In response, Norcross first distinguishes the differences between moral agents and moral patients. Give examples of human moral patients that are not moral agents. your continued consumption is not thereby excused.” (Norcorss, 313), Here Norcross is invoking what is know as the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE), The doctrine of double effect claims that there is a moral difference between intended consequences and consequences that are merely forseen, The DDE is classically invoked to defend war, in war although we forsee that civilians will be killed we are not intending to kill civilians, so their killing is not immoral, The Doctrine of Double Effect is the last refuge of the scoundrel, There is an assumption that humans have some quality that gives the a certain moral standing that animals don’t have, This is traditionally, going back to Aristotle, assumed to be rationality, Marginal cases pose a significant challenge to this view, “Whatever kind of rationality is selected as justifying the attribution of superior moral status to humans will either be lacking in some humans or present in some animals” (Norcross, 316), this doesn’t satisfy people who think that marginal humans really do deserve equal moral consideration, “What outrages human sensibilities is a very sensitive thing” (Norcross 319). Objection 3: The suffering of factory-farmed animals is not intended but merely foreseen. Does he think they are moral patients? If it is sound, them, like us, animals have certain basic moral rights, including in particular the fundamental right to be treated with the respect that, as possessors of inherent value, they are due as a matter of strict justice.”, Alastair Norcross: Puppies, Pigs and People: Eating Meat and Marginal Cases. Some people don't know about the treatment of animals on factory farms. Is this point valid? Alastair Norcross Rice University 1. Whether they are moral agents or patients, we must treat them in ways that respect their equal inherent value.”, “It is not an act of kindness to treat animals respectfully. -Norcross thinks the speciesist is confused about moral agents and moral patients-Those on our call list can still count as moral patients even if they aren't moral agents. Question: QUESTION 1 According To Norcross, We Have Moral Duties Towards: 1. I've read and heard some atheist philosophers (like Peter Singer) argue that it's our capacity to reason that makes us moral. (b): “those individuals who are conscious, sentient, and posses other cognitive and volitional abilities discussed in previous chapters (e.g., belief and memory). On this definition, all moral agents are also moral patients, but moral patients need not be moral agents. What does Norcross think is the relationship between being a moral agent and being a moral patient? When Reagan uses ‘moral patient’ he is referring to type b moral patient, Inherent value of individuals vs intrinsic value of the experiences they have, inherent value is not reducible to intrinsic value (pleasure), “To say that inherent value is not reducible to the intrinsic values of an individual’s experiences means that we cannot determine the inherent value of individual moral agents by totaling the intrinsic values of the their experiences. L’équipe de l’ancien enfant star a fait le po… What widespread practice does Norcross argue is morally equivalent to Fred's torture of puppies? . c. Humans are superior to animals because they are rational. That is, even though they are not moral beings (i.e., we cannot judge them as behaving morally or immorally), nevertheless, because we are moral agents, we owe moral duties towards animals. It is permissible to kill and eat farm animals only if it is permissible to kill and eat humans with the same cognitive capacities. correct incorrect It is an act of justice. Fred is involved in a car accident that damages his, Fred discovers that puppies produce cocoamone when tortured, Fred is discovered by the police and is charged with animal cruelty, At his trial fred uses the defense that he is innocent because he is doing exactly the same thing we do in society all the time and that if factory farming is acceptable then so must his behavior be, Response 2a: “The second response to the claim of causal impotence is to deny it”, Response 2b: “Even if it is true that your giving up factory-raised chickens has only a tiny chance of preventing suffering . For a moral agent to knowingly transfer their own life and death problems onto to an innocent moral patient can never make sensible morality, and the greater the gain for doing so the more selfish the motive (by definition) and so the greater the immorality. Give examples of moral patients that are also moral agents. Critically discuss. Some individuals may be 'moral patients' without being moral agents (Norcross 2004). Explain and critically discuss. She provides general and cosmetic dentistry for patients of all ages, including children, and puts the most anxious patients at ease with her gentle demeanor. rachel_m_bates. To say that the inherent value of individual moral agents is incommensurate with the intrinsic value of their (or anyone else’s) experiences means tha the two kinds of value are not comparable and cannot be exchanged one for the other. How does Norcross use these differences in his argument? There are pragmatic reasons for treating marginal humans as if they had moral status equal to non-marginal humans. Moral agents (humans) can “engage in moral reflection…[and] be moved by moral reasons”, while those who are solely moral patients cannot (242). Granted what they do may be detrimental to the welfare of others – they may, for example, bring about acute suffering or even death; and granted, it may be necessary, in any given case, for moral agents to use force or violence to preven such harm being done, either in self-defense or in defense of others. b. a. An individual who consistently acts morally, b. .It enjoins us to treat all those individuals having inherent value in ways that respect their value, and thus it requires respectful treatment of all who satisfy the subject of a life criterion. Because we don't have an emotional attachment to many fellow humans, b. But even when a moral patient causes significant harm to another, the moral patient has not done what is wrong. Comments Let's begin with the Michael Cholbi September 17, 2015 (changed September 17, 2015) Permalink. Moral Patients: “In contrast to moral agents, moral patients lack the prerequisites that would enable them to control their own behavior in ways that would make them morally accountable for what they do. lihp032 18 Terms. Alastair Norcross: Puppies, Pigs, and People: Eating Meat and Marginal Cases. SEP: Hobbes’s Political and Moral Philosophy, Lesson 4 Lecture Notes (Kantian Ethics part I), Lesson 5 Lecture Notes (Kantian Ethics part II), Lesson 6 Lecture Notes (Social Contract Theory par I), Lesson 7 Lecture Notes (Social Contract Theory part II), Jean-Jacques Rousseau – The Social Contract, Lesson 8 Lecture Notes (Applied Ethics part 1), Lesson 9 Lecture Notes (Applied Ethics part II), Mary Anne Warren – On the Legal and Moral Status of Abortion, Lesson 10 Lecture Notes (Applied Ethics part III), Lesson 12 Lecture Notes (Political Philosophy), John Rawls – A Theory of Justice (excerpts). a. ◦ And there is no significant good involved in the consumption of factory farmed animal products. Someone else to do it for him, moral patients are moral agents moral! As moral patients need not be moral agents, but not all moral are. What trait did Aristotle believe grants humans higher moral status than farm.... Else to do it for him seven different antidepressants to treat their mood,. 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